56. Distracting

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Rylan stood there in my doorway and stared at me endlessly. Those blue eyes swallowed me whole. Every part of me belongs to her. She knows it. She has to know. There is no way she can't—every limb, organ and inch of my skin blooms at her present. Awakened with a warmth that only she can provide. It's happiness, I have figured. A bliss I only have when she's around. To me, Rylan is the sun. An undeniably beautiful and dangerous sun. She's the one that chases the darkness away. 

Rylan tilted her head as her gaze turned into worry. I haven't been able to speak since I opened the door for her. The blue suit she's wearing clings onto every curve, muscle on her body. If it weren't for my father deciding to throw me a birthday party, I would have dragged Rylan into my apartment and demanded her to have her way with me. I don't care how. As long as she leaves me breathless and beg for more. My legs trembled at the thought. Get a grip, Hadley. 

"Hi," I said weakly and cleared my dry throat. "You look," there were no words to do her justice. Beautiful, no, she's more than that.  "Distracting," of all words I could have used: Perfect. Flawless. Gorgeous. And distracting is what comes out of my mouth. What is wrong with me? Rylan smiled confusedly but as well amused. 

"I don't think I've heard that one before," she chuckled. I laid my hand over my face. 

"I'm sorry," I cringed. "I don't know why I said that," I shook my head. "That was pathetic," I mumbled. Rylan stepped closer to me and raised her hands but stopped herself from placing them on my waist. I know she wanted to, but something in her made her not.

"You are very much distracting yourself," she smiled. That smile makes my toes curl and breath hitch. How am I going to survive the evening when she's going to be all. Distracting. I looked down at myself in uncertainty and pulled at the dark blue dress. Hands on my cheeks forced me to look right up into shimmering blue eyes. "Do not doubt your beauty," she breathed. "Never doubt it," her thumb brushed my jawline. "And I hope you do not doubt me," her eyes were filled with concern. "For not wanting you, because," she sucked on her lip. "I've never wanted anything more than you," she said so quietly. Oh god. She can't say those things. Not now when we have to go. 

"Damn you, Rylan," I slapped her shoulder. How dare she. How dare she be sweet, charming and daring. She smiled, no she grinned so brightly. I had to suck in a deep breath to calm down my needs. "Let's go," I shook my head and pushed her by the shoulder out the door. "We aren't going to go anywhere if we keep staying here."

A room filled with unknown people was what I had expected from my father. Yet it was not. A few close friends of my father that he has had since I was a child. Mario and his wife, Sharen, which I haven't spoken to for a while now. Rylan and I had split ways the moment we had stepped into my birthday party. Not on purpose, that is, as my father had stolen me by the arm and dragged me around to socialize. He might not have known how much of my time I wanted to spend with Ry. I found myself glancing her way each time I could. It's like she knew that I looked at her because she would stare right back at me every time.

"Excuse me," I smiled at the couple that my father was speaking to, but I didn't really pay any attention to what they were talking about. I was, distracted by certain someone. I crossed the room and that smile on Rylan's face made my cheeks flush the entire way. The moment I stepped in front of her, she reached out her hand to me. Questioningly I took her hand. She led me to the middle of the floor. Her hand was placed on my waist and I understood what she wanted. A dance. One of those that pulled us closer together. With my hand on her shoulder, I rested my forehead on her collarbone. Breathing in the soothing scent of her summer rain. I closed my eyes as her mouth was pressed against the top of my head. My whole life, I was scared of opening up to let someone in to see my dark parts. But then there is Rylan. The one that doesn't mind them and accepts them. No, it's more than that. She wants them. Ry wants my fragile and shattered parts. Just like I want hers. "Take me home?" I asked gently. She tilted her head and watched me for a long moment before she nodded. 

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