Meeting the Royal Family

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A Month later:

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A Month later:

"WHAT?!" A female voice exclaimed in the woods which caused a few birds to leave the trees. 

Hicca stared at Meridus with wide eyes, "Your parents want to meet me?" She pointed at herself nervously.

Meridus nodded, "Yes."

"Ar-Are you sure?" Hicca stuttered.

"Yes." Meridus responded.

"I'll have to tell them that I'm an Ex-Viking, right?" Hicca questioned.

"Most likely, yes." Meridus answered, "But I know they'll like you despite of that."

"Really?" Hicca asked.

"Of course. My brothers like you and I know for certain that my parents will too." Meridus assured her.

Hicca smiled softly at his words, "Alright then. I'll meet them."


The next day:

Meridus and Hicca were heading towards the Dunbroch castle. Meridus was riding Angus while Hicca was riding Skylar. They were walking side by side together. 

"I'm sorry that I'm making you do this, Hicca." Meridus apologized.

"It's okay. If my mom were around, she would probably want to know who I was hanging around with." Hicca assured him. 

"True." Meridus agreed, "But still..."

"Don't worry. I'll try and make a good impression." Hicca assured him.

Meridus smiled softly, "I'm sure you will."

"Your highness!" A guard called out.

The two turned towards the guard.

"Yes?" Meridus asked.

"Is this girl and dragon with you?" The guard questioned, pointing at Hicca and Skylar with nervousness.

"Yes, they are." Meridus replied.

"Okay then." The guard said.

The guard stepped aside and let the two pass them. Another guard opened the gate to the castle. Then they passed through and into a courtyard in front of them. As they walked, most of the servants gasped quietly as they pointed at Skylar who ignored the stares. Meridus stopped and dismounted Angus and a servant took him by his reins. Meridus walked over to Hicca and helped her off of Skylar's saddle. He gently placed her on the ground.

After that, he led Hicca and Skylar in the castle's halls. They were soon walking down the halls. Just like before, a few servants quietly gasped and moved to the side so that Meridus, Hicca, and Skylar can get through.

"Are you sure they'll like me?" Hicca spoke up.

"I'm absolutely sure, Hicca." Meridus assured her.

"Sorry, I can't help but be nervous." Hicca admitted.

"Well don't worry, I'll be there to protect you." Meridus declared.

Skylar grunted in irritation at that.

"I mean Skylar and I will protect you." Meridus corrected.

The two stared at each other with fondness, ignoring their surroundings. Skylar noticed this, but she knew that they had to meet Meridus's family. Regrettably, she nudged the two of them back to reality.

"So...your parents?" Hicca asked, slightly blushing.

"Oh, right," Meridus scratched the back of his head nervously, "This way."

Meridus led the two to the entrance of the throne room. He stood in front of them as they stood behind him. He pushed open the large doors and walked into the throne room with Hicca and Skylar following behind him. Everyone gasped at the sight of Hicca and Skylar. Meridus stopped in front of his family who sat in their throne chairs. Hicca and Skylar stopped and stood behind Meridus.

"Mother, Father, I would like you to meet Hicca Horrendous Haddock the Third and her dragon friend, Skylar," Meridus greeted, "Hicca, Skylar, this is my father, King Fergus and my mother, Queen Elinor."

"It is an honor to meet you, your majesties." Hicca bowed at the waist while Skylar bowed her head.

'They both seem to have manners.' Elinor observed the two.

"Thank you," She said, "Now what brings you here to our kingdom?"

"We were running away, your majesties." Hicca admitted as she stood up and Skylar raised her head.

"From what? If I may ask?" Elinor questioned.

"My father and my tribe, your majesty." Hicca answered.

"Your father?" Elinor asked, confused.

"Your tribe?" Fergus added, confused as well.

"My father and I...don't really have the best relationship." Hicca replied, rubbing her left arm.

"What do you mean?" King Fergus asked, curious.

Hicca explained everything about herself: from the treatment of her tribe to the day her father announcement of her engagement to Asher.

"Before we left, my father arranged me to get married to the Viking prodigy, the one who killed Toothless." Hicca said, "Luckily Skylar came in and saved me." She petted Skylar on the head, and she purred at her rider's gentle touch.

Everyone in the room couldn't help but pity Hicca. Her father ignored her existence and treated terribly because she was different from everyone else in her tribe. It was horrible on how they would treat one of their own members like this.

"Is that the reason why you ran away?" Elinor asked.

"Yes, your majesty." Hicca replied.

King Fergus could easily tell that Hicca couldn't stand her father anymore. He had met many children who couldn't stand their parents. But over time, they come to agreements. However, Hicca and her father didn't appear to have any agreements that would suit them. The girl was forced into a lot of things that her father expected to do great in, only to fail at them. Hicca said that she was good at smiting. Wasn't he proud of his daughter accomplishing that kind of skill?

"If we decide to let you stay here, what can you offer us?" Elinor questioned.

"My smiting skills, knowledge of dragons, and show how dragons can coexist with each other." Hicca offered.

"You're sure that's possible, Hicca?" Elinor asked.

"I know it can be possible, your highness." Hicca replied.

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