Forty nine

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My heart thumps uncontrollably as I stare up at him. I am laying on the dirty concrete floor trapped in-between the clay-colored bars of the cell frozen in place. 

Is this where my story ends?

My heart finally pumps adrenaline back into my system, causing me to wiggle back into my cage. I pull myself to my feet and drag the stray hairs out of my face.

"Do not worry," He reassures, walking slowly towards the cell with his hands in the air, "I am not here to harm you" he slips the key into the lock but does not turn it open. 

I watch him with wide eyes, waiting for him to make the next move. 

"Why would you help me?" I inquire with hostility. Cole wants Zane dead. Why is he suddenly changing his mind?

"My sister made a rather... compelling argument that caused me to sway my ways." He chuckles lightly, his eyes not leaving mine. 

I narrow my eyes at the mystical man, not buying his story. "And what argument would cause you to abandon your false accusations against my mate?"

He physically cringed when I said that word to him. Almost as if it hurt him. 

"Your happiness." He answered plainly. 

I furrowed my eyes together in confusion. What ever could he mean? Cole had done nothing but torment me since I met him. It was always games with him. He only helped me out of his own benefit... didn't he?

"Open the cage, Cole".

"Forgive me." He breathes out, desperation faintly hanging in his words. He steps closer to the bars, "Believe me when I say that I do not want any harm to come to you. What I did, to try and hurt Zane, was wrong. Forgive me and I will let you be."

These words caught me by surprise. Cole's raw desire for forgiveness was very new. Cole was usually smug and spiteful. 

"Open the door." I repeat softly.

He nods, clicking the lock open. The door creaks as he pulls it open. I step out of the cage and look back up at him. 

"Forgiveness is earned, Cole. If you truly want it, you will have to show me that you are sorry." I breathe out, stepping past him. 

He catches my arm, stopping me in place. I turn back around to face him. I look into those sad eyes for a moment. 

"You will be needing this." He gestures out the white wooden arrow, placing it in the palm of my hand. 

I glance down at the electric blue feathering at the end of the arrow. The head glows a soft iridescent purple and blue. I twirl the small weapon between my fingers before I glance back up at him. 

"Thank you, Cole." I give him a small nod, saying a silent prayer that he is not about to ask for something in return. 

Fates never give out favors without expecting a debt to be paid later on in the future. The side of his mouth curves up as he vanishes into thin air. 

I am left in the darkness of the dungeon with a weapon that I no longer trust. 

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