Chapter fifteen

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He's been gone for what seems like hours. All I have to do in this little prison is sit and think. My shoulder still aches from the silver, but the rest of me has healed up.

I unzip my jacket, pulling my tender would out of my sleeve to examine it. A scab has formed over the wound. The area around it is red and swollen. This will take at least another day to heal.

I let out a loud sigh as I put my jacket back on. I wonder what his plan is. Is he just going to leave me in solitude alone to go insane in the dark. Actually that might work.

What am I thinking? I should be trying to escape.

To my feet, I throw aside the thin mattress, looking for a tool. Of course I find nothing. The cell only contains the mattress, no blankets, and a bucket.

Gross, is that supposed to be where I go to the bathroom?

I gag at the though of it. No way in hell I'm going to shit in a bucket.

I hear a door creak in the distance. Is he back?

Fear pricks at my heart as small pattering footsteps make their way towards me. I squint into the darkness, looking for a figure to appear.

"Here." I hear a small voice behind me, making me jump two feet in the air.

I whip around to the other side of the cage and see a small creature. It is a girl. She looks maybe eighteen. She has blonde messy hair that is pulled into a rough pony tail. Her cheekbones are high but she has severe bags under her eyes. She wears a long dress that stops above her ankles. It is a soft blue, like the sky.

In her hands she holds a tray of food. Wow. On the tray is... can you guess it?


Or I'm guessing his version of it. Along with the blob of puke there is a small cup of canned fruit and a water bottle.

"Um" Was the only thing I could muster out to the girl.

She bends down and slides the tray trough an opening in the bars. It's too small to fit through, believe me I've tried.

Once the food reaches my side of the cage she turns and runs out of the door, not responding to me screaming wait.

I let out a sigh through my nose as I pick up the tray. The food lets off white steam but it smells like garbage. Literal garbage, I'm not being dramatic.

The canned fruit bowl looks old. The syrup covering it is yellow. Not the cute yellow, the yellow that sends warning signs off. "Don't eat me".

I grab the bottle of water and take a giant gulp. Refreshing.

I pace around the food, debating if it is poisoned. Or maybe it is too old to eat. The puke is no longer steaming, just reeking of it's smell. How do you even cook garbage?

A shiny metal catches my eye and immediately dings a light bulb above my head.

"Big mistake, Alpha." I say as I bend down and pick up the metal fork.

Forks are useful to help you eat. Also, they can help a certain she wolf escape her prison. I walk over to the crusty bars, poking my arms through to find the lock.

Aiden taught me to pick locks. It was a skill he learned as a boy. His family was very poor so he and his brother had to steal from people. They tried to rob a bakery once and take all their money but they got caught. Aiden took the fall for his brother and got arrested. The general liked his charisma or something and told him he had two options: Jail or he could join the academy.

Love's RevengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang