Chapter thirty four

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"Tonight is when you will be announced." Zane says formally. We walk down the long hallway in his mansion. The mansion I had thought I would never return to.

Tonight Zane is throwing an event in his ballroom. I will be formally recognized by his pack as a position of power. A military general, but that is just a fancy term for police man. He somehow believes that I have the power to tame the uprising against the other packs. Jax had promised them superiority over the other packs. It is now my job to teach them their place and help them live in harmony. 

The Terror pack is brand new and not very recognized as an official pack. Their branding is all wrong, painting every member out to be a monster. I remember growing up in fear of them, the stories in school about the new pack out to destroy the others. 

How exactly I am going to control an entire restless pack? I have no idea. 

We finally reach my white wooden door, my fingers pausing on the door knob. I had come back on my own, to help. But the real reason I had come back was something I wasn't ready to face. You can call it curiosity, but it terrified me. 

I softly push the door open and I am met with my bedroom. It looks as if I had never left, everything is still in its same place. I take a few steps inside, surveying the room. 

"Heidi," I hear Zane's melodic voice. I turn around to see him standing in the doorway like he always does. He leans against the framing, his arms gently folded over each other. His hair falls into his face as he locks eyes with mine. "Thank you." he says humbly. 

I pull my dark hoodie off, stripping to a long sleeved white shirt. Zane watches my movements closely, causing my cheeks to redden. I turn back to him as if I am waiting for him to leave but I only see his eyes darken several shades. 

He crosses the forbidden threshold and is in front of me in less than a second, his concerned eyes searching mine.

"What is that?" He narrow his eyes on my neck. I quickly bring my hand up, brushing my fingers over the tender wound that Cody had given me. 

"Let's just say somebody picked a fight and I won," I lie through my teeth, giving him a shy smile. 

The anger is clear on his face as his eyes refuse to leave my neck.

"Who was it? I will kill them." he growls out. I am taken back by his sudden surge of protectiveness. Why does he suddenly want to protect me? 

I shake my head no, "Doesn't matter." I give him a firm nod of reassurance, "I need to get ready for tonight."

He parts his lips as if he is going to say something but quickly shuts his mouth. He then turns around and reaches the door, pulling it closed behind him.

I feel a small tug inside me, as if I want him to come back and keep me company. 

On queue, I hear a soft knock at the door. I almost run to grab the door knob, whipping it open. 

"Zane, I-" I say breathlessly before looking down into the familiar green eyes of Evangeline. "Oh, Hey." I try my best not to sound disappointed. 

Evangeline is good at what she does. Tonight she straightens my dark curls, tying the top half up with a white ribbon. The top of my hair was teased and given it's full volume. She gives me a black smokey eye with golden flecks traveling onto my cheekbones. My lashes have been coated in expensive mascara, extending my eyelashes to my eyebrows, which have been sharpened to kill. 

She dresses me in the most beautiful dress I have ever laid eyes on. The golden fabric glitters like diamonds. It flows down my body, stopping just above my long white heels. I feel like a queen. She decorates my neck with a jeweled choker to hide the bite mark from Cody.  

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