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Erica wanted to laugh; they had been spending so much time together, but they didn't even know who the other person was. The thought had not crossed her mind while she was with him but now that he had mentioned it, she was curious as to finding out who exactly he was albeit slightly nervous to reveal who she herself was. What if he saw her differently and judged her or worse, tell the Countess?

The thought felt strange in her mind. Why would he rat her out, what would he gain from that? She was being overly cautious and stupid. If he had planned to do anything surely, he would have done so sooner and even if he learnt her name, she had not participated in any of the aristocratic events in the past 6 years let alone even step off of the estate. Even before that she was not all that well known so what was there to lose?

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it would just be nice to put a name to your face. I fully understand that you are currently in a disguise and do not wish to be known so I will not ask for your family name, rank or title." He tried reassuring her.

Erica gently placed her hand on his arm drawing his attention to her as she gave a small smile showing that she trusted him before mouthing each syllable of her name as clearly as she could. The Prince paid careful attention making sure he understood her perfectly.

"Erica?" He asked just to make sure. She gave a nod in confirmation.

Aleric's mind raced through every single noble lady he could think of. Her name matched none. For the first time ever, he cursed himself for not paying more attention.

Erica looked at him expectantly waiting for him to reveal his own name. She doubted that she would even recognise it, she only knew a small handful of nobles and by now had already forgotten most of their faces and names.

"I am Rick." He gave a nickname that no one has ever called him. He chose not to give her his full name in fear that he may scare her off. She looked like the type to run away in the presence of a royal. A part of him also feared that she may see and treat him differently if she were to know that he was the crown prince. This was one of the prices he had to pay for being born into such a high-ranking position.

Erica tilted her head in amusement at his name. She had a strong feeling that it was not his real name but that was not the point, it sounded like a nickname suited to her own name. She could go by such a name as well if she wished even though it was quite masculine.

It took a while for Aleric to realise why she was amused but when he did, he held up his hands in mock defence. "Hey, it's not my fault that our names are similar."

They walked through the streets together laughing and smiling as they conversed with each other, Erica using emphasised expressions and hand movements to get her point across and Aleric purposefully reading them wrong.

Time seemed to fly by when they were together. The market bells loudly chimed six times signifying the time. Erica's heart sank. She did not want to go back to that awful estate.

She really enjoyed spending time with Rick. He made all her worries and fears disappear, he made her feel safe, happy and at peace. Feelings that she knew she would always long for from now on.

He made her want to be greedy and selfish if it meant spending more time with him. Things that she never felt like she deserved. Her heart ached in conflict. Was this a natural reaction? If so, what did it mean?

Aleric sighed in disappointment at the bells. He too did not want the day to end. There was just something about Erica that made him never want to part from her. She made him see the world differently, she made his heartbeat with every little expression and reaction she had, and her smile brought him the greatest pleasure.

He had only met this beautiful girl twice, yet he felt this way. It was official, he had gone completely insane, and she was the reason.

He was the crown prince for crying out loud, beautiful women from all over just about begged at his feet for a minute of his attention, yet here he was trying desperately to keep Erica's attention on him. She had destroyed all reason.

He watched her as she lifted up her head to look at the sky, the lighting from the sunset complimented her features beautifully, she looked otherworldly. The pink and orange hues that danced in the sky reflected in her warm eyes and a sad smile graced her lips.

Aleric's heart could not take the picturesque scene before him any longer and without thinking he gently placed his hand on the back of Erica's neck and pulled her towards him. Their lips met in a passionate dance.

The Prince did not care for any onlookers and what thoughts that they may have as he kissed the beautiful maiden before him who just so happened to be disguised as a boy. He did not care about any of that.

Her lips were so soft and sweet, he could not get enough of it. Before he could deepen the kiss, Erica pulled away flustered and gasping for air. Her blush was so prominent that she was comparable to the deep red of a ripe tomato.

Her heart was beating frantically, and all her thoughts were jumbled up in a complete mess. The beautiful man had stolen her first kiss, and it was nothing like she had ever imagined.

Erica always took pride in herself for her vast knowledge when it came to romance after all the novels she had read through the years. She always thought that she would be prepared for anything when it came to it, but she was mistaken. Nothing had prepared her for the sensation.

Aleric was enjoying her flustered state. She was adorable. He had to fight the urge to kiss her again.

He knew that kissing her without her permission was certainly no way for a gentleman especially one that is a crown prince to act but he did not regret it the slightest.

"I apologise for startlingly you." He gently smiled purposefully not apologising for the kiss.

Erica met his eyes making direct eye contact before blushing more and looking away. The prince smiled brighter without even realising it at her reaction.

"We best go and find my dear cousin now; he is probably stressing himself into an early grave." Aleric offered his arm for her to take which she reluctantly did.

He noted how slender and pale her hands were and how gentle her grip was. In fact, he noticed everything about her, unknowingly sketching deep into his memory.

Together they made their way back to Louis, both lost in thought yet both very much aware of one another.

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