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It was not long before Erica was able to experience many things that she once could only dream of.

She had bee able to explore and flourish and much to Walter's apparent dismay, wherever they went, the girl had caught the attention of many potential suitors.

Her spirit brightened and her voice became impossibly more beautiful. Word had spread of her beauty and talent and before long, most were willing to give their life fortunes just to catch a glimpse of the girl and hear her divine voice.

Unknown to her, her fame was making it increasingly difficult for Walter and the knights to protect her as there were many lunatics and crazed people that were going to all lengths just to get close her.

On numerous occasions Erica had almost been kidnapped or badly hurt. Walter knew that as the hours ticked that it was time to return.

It had almost been a year since their departure, but they still had a few weeks to go. He did not want to ruin his sister's happiness, but not only did he make a promise to King Aleric, her safety came first.

He had already written ahead to King Aleric announcing their return to the capital before he even mentioned it to Erica. Surprisingly his little sister was not even the slightest against this, instead she looked content and ready to go.

It was not long before they were less than a day's ride from the capital and had settle down for the night in a nearby inn.

Walter was on duty, watching over his little sister as she slept soundly when a sudden commotion was heard.

His hand instinctively wrapped around his sword in preparation to draw it from its sheath as he stood alert for any potential threat.

He could hear footsteps approaching slowly on the wooden floorboards causing them to creak at the strain.

Walter unknowingly held his breath and moved to the door readying his sword. The footsteps stopped just before the door and a brief moment passed before the handle was turned.

Walter swiftly pointed the tip of his sword against the stranger's neck before almost immediately withdrawing it upon recognising who they were.

"I could have killed you." He grumbled as he placed his sword back.

"I knew you would not." King Aleric smiled at the sight of his dear friend.

Walter wanted to roll his eyes, but a small smile twitched on his lips, "Why am I not surprised to see you here? Let me guess, you could not wait a few more hours."

"Guilty." Aleric gave a smile before walking into the room, "Where is she?"

"Asleep." Walter flicked his head in the direction of Erica's room, "Careful not to wake her, she is exhausted from all the travelling that we went through today."

Aleric smiled as he walked past Walter giving his friend a pat on the shoulder.

Walter shook his head as the King made his way through the door. Truly a love-struck fool...

King Aleric had been waiting for this moment since the moment she left his sight. He had missed her terribly and was more than tempted on numerous occasions to retrieve Erica and keep her at his side until the end of time.

It was beyond agonising as more time passed. He had missed her every second.

Walter had sent him reports on their whereabouts and activities every once in a while, and often Erica would add something along with it. King Aleric felt like a child impatiently waiting for each letter.

He glanced down at Erica's sleeping form, the window above her head was open allowing the soft moonlight to hit her face. She looked surreal like something not of this earth.

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