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"Why must you go?" King Aleric frowned as he walked Erica to the carriage that he had prepared for her.

"You know the reason." She stopped before stepping in and gave him a reassuring smile.

King Aleric was most definitely not happy with her leaving but nevertheless offered her a hand to help her into the carriage.

"Sorry that I am late." An out of breath Walter came running into the courtyard. He looked like a mess.

"Should I even ask?" King Aleric chuckled at the sight of his disorganised friend.

"You would not believe me if I told you." Walter grumbled before mounting his beautiful steed.

Erica had wanted to ride thinking that a carriage was much to slow but King Aleric would not have it once he learnt that she had never learnt to ride properly.

Erica had wanted to learn to ride before she departed as she had never been given that luxury. She assumed that it would not be too difficult to figure out as she had succeeded in escaping from the dungeons while riding, but she soon learnt that that had been a fluke and her horse had known exactly what to do on her behalf and after a long discussion with Aleric, she learnt the truth about horse riding.

King Aleric slowly closed the carriage door once Erica had settled in but just before he stood back, he reached through the open window and gently grabbed her chin pulling her in for one final kiss. The kiss was so brief yet so intense that it left her momentarily dazed.

"If you are not at my side by the time the year is up, I will personally come and retrieve you." Aleric smirked against her lips as he pulled away.

Erica blushed but nodded. He truly knew just exactly how to make her heart flutter.

"Come along you two love birds, we have places to be." Walter gave an unimpressed grumble at the couple.

"Now Walter, we weren't the ones who were late," Aleric teased as he moved away from the carriage, "But in all seriousness, you better take care of her like your life depends on it."

"I think Erica will be okay." Walter cheekily rolled his eyes as he indicated to the six armoured knights that would be escorting them, "The real question is who will be taking care of me?"

"No one," Aleric jokingly smiled, "I am secretly hoping that you die in a ditch somewhere and don't come back. It's the whole reason for this journey."

"Ha," Walter pretended to be hurt but could not conceal the smile twitching on the corners of his lips, "To think I once thought of you as my best friend, but now you will just have to rot away with me for the rest of your life as your punishment since I will definitely be returning."

"I going to miss you, Walter." King Aleric had an amused smile.

"Well I won't miss you." Walter lifted his nose before breaking character and giving the young King a smile.

"Walty!" I voice shrieked in the distance.

"Time to go." Walter's face paled as he quickly signalled for the knights to move out.

"Walty! Nothing can separate us; no cell nor stinky old broom storeroom will ever get in my way from proving that!" Louis run in front of the wide eyed general forcing him to halt his powerful horse in its tracks.

"How did you get out?!" Walter looked terrified as the Trencent heir gently grabbed ahold of his horse's reins and rubbed a hand soothingly down the creature's face.

"Nothing can confine our friendship." Louis gave a toothy smile.

Truth be told, Walter had only been late that day because someone would not let him go, that someone was Louis Trencent. Louis had clung onto him like a feline digging his claws deep.

It took Walter a long time and a lot of wrestling to get the idiot off and lock him in the nearest storeroom. He had planned on telling someone eventually where the young heir was but for the time being, he relished the beginning of his peace.

"Sorry, sorry." An out of breath Georgie came running up, "I did not mean to let him out, he tricked me."

Her cheeks were tinged pink in embarrassment, and it was clear by her swollen lips and ruffled appearance just exactly how the young heir had done it.

"On the contrary, I think it's a good thing. This is most entertaining." King Aleric smiled as he addressed Georgie, but he never once took his eyes off the laughing Erica as she watched her brother and the Trencent heir bicker.

She was so beautiful when she laughed.

Georgie followed his gaze, a smile of her own twitching her lips. She wished nothing but more happiness and smiles for her dear friend.

She had already said her goodbyes to the girl and at first insisted on joining her for the journey, but Erica had repeatedly declined.

Georgie was originally saddened by this, but she knew that it was something that Erica needed to do on her own. It was bad enough that Walter was going along with an armed escort as per Aleric's orders.

She wished her friend happiness and safety on her journey and looked forward to the time the beautiful girl would return.

"Get off me." Walter huffed as he tried to push Louis off his leg.

Louis was sniffling and now had a snotty nose, "Why can't I come with?"

Walter sighed, "We have been over this and besides I will be back before you know it." He gave Louis a smile.

"What am I going to do while you are gone?" Louis looked up at him.

"You have Aleric and a beautiful girl who for some insane reason is madly in love with an idiot like you." Walter reassured.

Louis glanced over at Georgie before a cheesy smile formed on his lips as he looked back at his friend, "True but you better hurry up and get back soon."

"I will- Louis don't you dare wipe your mucus on me!" Walter tried to yank his leg away before Louis could do the least noble thing, he could do for someone of his title.

"Haha," Louis held up his hands and stepped back, "You got me. I was just trying to leave a piece of me with you as a memento of our friendship."

Louis could not help but laugh at the Commander's mortified face.

"That is it! We are leaving." Walter urged his horse forward. The rest began to follow.

Erica gave a final wave before the carriage took off.

Her intended destination was a long way away and it would take close to a few weeks to reach.

They were heading to the fallen Kingdom of Ruria.

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