August 1971

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Petunia's first thoughts upon seeing the wretched boy's house was that it was no wonder his clothes were always threadbare and washed out. Cokeworth was small and not at all well-off, but Spinners End was where all the people down on their luck ended up, as far away from any semblance of prosperity as possible. The house in front of Petunia seemed to encompass all that, the windows were crusted with dirt and broken roof tiles offered no protection from the elements.

A small, vicious part of her mind wondered if Lily would live in just such a hovel once that pest convinced her to marry him.

The pest in question was standing in the open doorway, black hair as long and oily as always but his expression was even more cross than usual upon spotting Petunia.

"What's she doing here? We're buying school supplies and she has no need for them."

Lily frowned lightly. "Tuney can come if she wants to, I asked, it's not forbidden."

Petunia herself didn't say anything but glanced at the two women standing to the side. Her mother looked like a glowing image of health next to the thin, dark-haired woman who had apparently spawned the wretched boy. Her expression was just as dour as her son's, not that it stopped Petunia's mother from smiling and handing her a small gift basket.

"Thank you again for taking the girls along. We would have to request the help of a teacher otherwise, as we can't enter the - what did you say it was called?"

"Diagon alley."

"Right, right. Truly, thank you, Eileen."

The woman's thin lips twitched, maybe it was supposed to be a smile, Petunia wasn't sure.

"It's no trouble, I would have to make the trip anyway for Severus."

"If there's anything in the future we can help you with, don't hesitate to ask. And if the girls cause any trouble, there is no need to be polite."

Petunia wondered if her mother would have still uttered that last sentence if only Lily was present. Probably not. Not that Petunia was a troublemaker, but her mother was unable to even entertain the idea of Lily doing anything bad.

After her mother left, the thin woman, Eileen - Mrs Snape, led them into the house. The interior matched the outside, dust covered everything, dirty dishes cluttered available surfaces, there were no decorations and the furnishing was cheap and run-down. There was a slightly sour smell in the air Petunia was too young to identify but would learn to associate with flat beer.

The wretched boy noticed her crinkled nose and his scathing eyes burned into her. Petunia was sure that if his mother hadn't been present he would have cursed her again.

Next to a flea-eaten couch was a crumbling fireplace, a small flame flickering inside the only thing warming the room, fed by old newspapers and clumps of dirt. Mrs Snape stepped next to it and grabbed a small clay pot, the surface smeared with soot and a thin crack running through it. Her narrow eyes turned towards the two Evanesses girls, scrutinising them in turn with a strange intensity. Petunia could almost hear her thoughts: How could two sisters differ so greatly? One was pretty and sunny while the other was plain and bitter.

"Getting to Diagon Alley is easy, just stay calm and follow my instructions. After you throw the Floo Powder into the fireplace, wait 'till the flames turn green, then call 'Diagon Alley' clearly while stepping into the fire. Close your eyes and keep your arms close to your body, Severus will show you how to do it first."

Petunia blinked, her previous thoughts forgotten. Stepping into the fire?

What she saw next made her unable to suppress her surprised gasp. The wretched boy ... simply vanished!

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