June 1973

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Petunia stepped onto creaking floor boards and raised her head, her breath stuttering while she marvelled at the world unfolding around her

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Petunia stepped onto creaking floor boards and raised her head, her breath stuttering while she marvelled at the world unfolding around her. For the first time she got a faint inkling of the things magic was really capable of. More than the petty little tricks the wretched boy used to bully her with or letting dishes wash themselves. This ... this right here was the real magic.

The air was moist and fragrant, smelling exotic and lush. Petunia found herself in a little shed, surrounded on all sides with high, redwood shelves, the narrow room cluttered with all kinds of tools, ropes, buckets, potted and dried plants, little fluttering notes and heavy books.

What really took her breath away was not the small shed but what she could see beyond it through an open doorway.

Sunlight enticed her to step forward until her feet found soft-packed dirt instead of wooden boards. Everything above her head was clad in diffuse shadows and she could see a huge tarp sectioning it off, but what was much more fascinating than the 'sky' was the little sun shining in front of it. A glowing golden ball just hovered in the air, bathing Petunia's pale skin in summer's warmth as if she was still standing on the field outside.

But that wasn't all that floated above her head: a cluster of trees drifted serenely through the air, their long roots hanging down in tangled threads until they were close enough that Petunia could have brushed their tips with her outstretched fingers. Farther away she saw a silver orb bobbing in the air, illuminating the darkness around it in cool, bluish light, obviously a little moon to contrast the sun.

Time and space held no meaning inside the wizard's suitcase.

A bamboo forest stretched to Petunia's right, benefiting from the magical sunlight, the bright green stalks swaying and rustling in an invisible breeze. A grassland reminiscent of the African Savannah lay to her left, a dry area with pale grass and wide-brimmed trees which offered shade from the sun. And further still Petunia could hear the gurgle of a waterfall and lapping of waves.

It was overwhelming. It was magical. It was the best thing Petunia had ever seen, and she was suddenly sure, a lot more fascinating than Lily's stupid, ghost-invested school.

She was inside a suitcase, for God's sake!

"There you are."

Petunia turned her head and saw the wizard appear from the shadows of the bamboo forest, lance-shaped leaves brushing over his shoulders. "In here."

For some strange reason Petunia didn't even hesitate before walking over and following him into the greenery. Maybe it was the light citrusy smell in the air, maybe it was the slim shadows dancing across her skin or maybe she was simply too overwhelmed to second-guess herself. But for whatever reason, Petunia trotted behind him without a word of protest or doubt, her steps cushioned by soft, fragrant moss. Ivy lifted her head from Petunia's shoulder, looking around with interest, small leaves whispering over her scaled neck.

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