September 1972

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They were surrounded by magical chaos, wizards and witches running around and noise buzzing across Petunia's senses like a scratchy sweater. A constant, uncomfortable annoyance she would only get rid of by leaving this place. 

Looking around at all the magic, Petunia felt her stomach cramp slightly. If the wretched boy wanted to tattle, now would be his perfect chance - Petunia had no way to flee and she was outnumbered.

Her eyes wandered back to him, taking in the school uniform he had donned even before their shared car drive to London. It made him look less shabby than she was used to and it was a bit strange to see him in anything but frayed and oversized clothing. Petunia almost suspected that he would prefer to wear his school uniform every day, if he could only get away with it.

"Stop glaring at me," he said while glaring at her in turn.

"Stop glaring at me," Petunia hissed back. She didn't trust him. Why did Severus of all people have to find out about Aspen ...

Lily's laugh tinkled from her left. Petunia switched her stare to her sister.

"Sorry." Lily lifted her hands placatingly. "I'm just glad to see you two get along."

"We don't get along," they chorused in identical outrage. Petunia felt the sudden, violent urge to viciously stomp on his feet.

"Oh, there's Mary! I'm going to go over for a bit." Lily was standing on tip-toes, waving to someone over Petunia's shoulder. "You want to come say hello?"

"No," they chorused again and this time Petunia could swear she heard his teeth grind while her foot twitched in anticipation. Maybe not a stomp but a nice and satisfying kick against his shin would be better to express her frustration.

Lily did an infuriating little giggle before skipping away into the chaos. Petunia focused on her red curls so she wouldn't have to look at the wretched boy. Silence stretched between them like sticky taffy, drawn-out and uncomfortable.

Petunia knew that the chances of seeing Eugene were slim. She hadn't gotten a letter yet and maybe he would go directly from Romania to Hogwarts, without stopping in London. But she hadn't wanted to miss this chance and some part of her mind was niggling at her to not let the wretched boy leave her sight.

Though that would be impossible as soon as he boarded the red train already waiting in the station. He would go to a place where she couldn't follow, a place she would never be allowed to see, let alone enter. Because she was a muggle.

"Hey you, Slytherin."

Petunia turned around at the snobby voice distracting her from her thoughts. A slight, dark-haired boy had walked up to them, his black curls parted in the centre and weighed down with product. He must be one of the new students as he wasn't wearing a uniform yet and looked no older than eleven. But even though he was small, his shoulders were pushed back and his spine straight as a ruler. He was wearing an expensive jacket with elaborate vines and crests decorating the heavy black fabric in gleaming, green stitches.

"Help me find the right compartment," he addressed Severus without giving Petunia even a glance. He talked strangely for his age, as if he was moulding his speech after someone decades older. "I wouldn't want to sit with any Mudbloods - or worse, Gryffindors."

If Severus was bewildered at being suddenly addressed by a stranger he did a good job of hiding it. His dark eyes expressionlessly wandered over the boy's finery and the huge trunk hovering above the ground next to his feet. Then he sneered, something Petunia had to admit Severus had quite a talent for. "Find it yourself."

"What?" The boy frowned before tapping his chest above the sewn crest. Petunia deciphered the small stitched letters - Toujours pur - only to realise that it wasn't English. "Don't you recognize this?"

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