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"I was... I mean, dating was not..."

"In your plan?" Alex cut me off.

"No, not like that. I was... I didn't have time to date, I mean, I was focused more on my studies to think of... dating." 

Alex is bored with my answer. What is she expecting? For me to tell her that yes, he is not my type? Isn't brutal?

Then who is your type? A little part of my mind shouted.

Before she could say anything, I continued.

"Brian knows that, we talked about it so we don't have any hard feelings." I looked to my side and see Brian staring at me intently. I couldn't read his face but one thing is for sure, he was not comfortable talking about it.

It was painful, I know.

"Hmm, how about now? You finished school... so, do you have the time now... for him?"

She asked not just out of curiosity but because I felt like I heard something else from her voice. What was it? Sadness? No, can't be. I must be imagining things.

I locked eyes with Alex, and suddenly it was just me and her, everything else seems to be blurry, and everything else seems not to matter, that is when I felt a tap on my back, it was Brian. It was enough for me to get back to my senses.

"Can we drop it, Al? You're making Cara uncomfortable, that is not why I asked her to join us here." Brian's voice rose a little and looked at Alex like he is threatening her in silence.

"Jeez! You both need to chill." Alex broke up the staring contest with Brian and drank the wine from her glass till its last drop.

I am relieved when the waiter came with our food.

We all three ate in silence, though from time to time, I would look at Alex under my lashes just to be surprised that she was already looking at me. Especially when Brian would serve me or slice some food for me. It was like there's... anger in her eyes. Like she doesn't like what she sees.

She was probably not the romantic kind and she was disgusted by us, that was it. Because, if I would think through why she was looking at us like that, I would think that she's probably jealous which will be absurd because... why would she?

Just a while ago, she was practically pushing me to Brian, and then this now?

God, this woman really confuses me.

Even on the way back to the office, nobody wants to utter a word. When we entered the elevator and even when we reached the 9th floor, we all three went on separate ways like we didn't share lunch together.

Since we all came together, all eyes were on us. As soon as I sat at my table, Lisa came to me.

"We heard you had lunch with the Bosses. Girl, you're so lucky." She said while shaking her body.

If you only knew. I told myself.

I smiled at her and pretended to work which she get as she left me alone.


The next day was no different.

Alex was ignoring me and didn't even throw a single look at where I was seating.

And Brian was making sure that I see him, always passing by, saying hi, and even inviting me to lunch.

"Alexandra is not coming with us, don't worry." He joked.

I politely declined the offer reasoning to him that I have a lot to do that day, which was a lie. 

I was just not comfortable and again, I feel... guilty. Feeling guilty that I didn't want Alex to find out that we went out.

It should be okay, actually. I mean, I shouldn't worry about Alex, about what is she gonna feel about it. 

But why do you worry, then? 

My zoning out was interrupted by a loud talking from my back. My colleagues are all heading out with their bags.

Damn, it's five in the afternoon. 

Was I just thinking about Alex the whole afternoon?

I looked down at my table where a tall stack of files that needs scanning and copying was sitting.


"Aren't you going yet?" I heard Bryan ask me. I was on my way to the copy room carrying the files.

He took them from me and carried them himself.

"Thank you." I told him when he placed them on the table.

"Um, no. I need to finish all these today and send them by departments accordingly." I told him while I start sorting the documents.

"Ohh." He uttered.

"Well, maybe I can help you." He looked at his wristwatch while he offers.

"You obviously have a place to go, Bry. It's fine, you go. I'll be fine here. I'll leave right after I finish these." I told him smiling.

Brian is really great, I was looking at his handsome face but I feel nothing.

"Are you sure? I mean, I can cancel my meeting..."

"Go, Bry. There's no need for that." I cut him off while I push him out of the room.

We were both laughing. Brian held my hands when we reached the door.

"Fine, fine. I'm going." 

We stayed like that for a few seconds, my eyes on our hands and him looking at my face.

"I don't mean to interrupt, really..." 

Ales as she announce her presence, I could hear the mocking in her voice while her eyes were on our hands and that made me pull them away from Brian's.

"...I was waiting for the documents from Sasha, I just called her and was told that it was with you... Ms. Greene." She continued and searched for my eyes.

As she found my eyes, the mocking was gone from hers and it was replaced by questions... questions that my heart knew but my brain was trying to ignore.

Brian cleared her throat easing what was like the tension between Alex and me. I'm sure he has his own doubts and questions as well but does not dare to ask them.

"Y-Yes, I have them. Would you give me a minute, I'll send them right away." Why do I have to stutter?

I went inside the copy machine leaving Brian and Alex.

I heard Brian's footsteps fading away and Alex's door closes. 

As I continue my work, my mind wanders back to Alex. The way she looks at me, it was just not my eyes she was looking at, earlier her eyes darted to my lips and I know I parted them involuntarily.

Involuntarily, really?

I was not trying to seduce her!

I was not.

Was I?

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