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"Umm, I'm gonna have lunch upstairs."

It was past noon and Alex's face was buried on the documents David gave her this morning.

"What?" She asked, clearly didn't hear a word I said.

"I'm gonna have lunch upstairs. I ordered some food for you, it should be here any minute." I repeated.

"Then why are you having lunch upstairs if you already ordered?" Her face wondered.

"I just, I need to speak to someone."


"Alex, I'll be back after lunch."

"Who do you need to speak to?" She ignored what I said and just repeated her question.

I sighed before answering her.


I watched her brows furrowed at the mention of Lisa's name.


I contemplated if I should tell her what happened this morning when I arrived in the office. I don't want to give her anything more to think about, I know she won't be bothered by it but still, she knows that I would.

"I just... We're kind of friends and I just want to catch up with her." I decided to lie.

"Should I be worried about this girl?" She said after a while of staring at me.

I chuckled while I walked toward her desk. I stopped in front of it and leaned over.

"No, ma'am. You shouldn't be." I pecked her on the lips before I turned my back.

I didn't give her a chance to stop me and walked straight outside her office.

Our floor is empty which is expected at this time. I walked inside the elevator and prepared myself with the staring my colleagues would give me as soon as I came up to the 10th floor.

As expected, all eyes were on me, the chatter even stopped when I walked toward the carts.

"What?" I told them annoyed, my voice a little bit high.

Some shook their heads, some ignored me and just continued staring.

I grabbed a fruit bowl and scanned the sitting area to find Lisa. She was sitting with Tom along with 2 other girls, not from our department I'm sure.

I walked toward them.

"Hi!" I greeted them as soon as I approached their table. I sat on the seat next to Lisa.

"Hey." Both greeted me at the same time, the other two girls just stared at me.

"Ms. Williams let you go for lunch?" It was Lisa.

"She's on a call." I told her, lying.

"So, how is it to be the girlfriend of one of the owners?" One of the girls shoots right up.

Panic hit me for a second then I realized, she must be referring to Brian and not Alexandra.

"Brian is not my boyfriend, not because it's my obligation to tell you but just F.Y.I." I told her with a firm voice.

"And also, he is a friend from college, his parents know me, just F.Y.I., again." It's partly true, his parents know me by his stories.

The girl who asked me tapped the arm of the other girl and both of them left without saying a word.

"Wow!" Tom uttered, he might not realized he said it out loud.

"So, you guys are not together?" Lisa asked after a while.

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