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My hands were in Alex's hair, grabbing a handful of it and at some point, I was pushing her head more toward my center.

Her tongue was doing all kinds of magic down on me, it was making a circular motion on my ball of nerves before she would suck it.

I had my first orgasm when I felt her tongue in and out of my center and it was her name I moaned during and after.

"I can't believe you did it already!" Claire exclaimed, pulling me out of my trance. Her hand tapping me on my arm.

"And with a woman!" She continued with full conviction in her voice.


"Yes, yes, I know. I support you 101%, but still, it's surprising for me."

It was for me too.

I mean, Alex said she had never done it with a woman but she obviously knew what she was doing.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked after my body shook and collapsed with her still on top of me.

I felt all my blood rushing through my cheeks as I gazed at her eyes that are still burning with desire.

I pulled her to level with me and kissed her mouth, the same mouth that just ate me out seconds ago.

"I want to do the same with you, Alex." I said in between kisses.

When I felt her smile, I flipped us over, putting myself on top of her.

I had no idea what I should be doing but my hands and my mouth seemed to know what to do.

As I kissed her, both my hands cupped her neck, my thumbs on her adams apple, trailing down to her clavicle. 

With my hands going down her body, my mouth follows. Every time I suck her skin, Alex was moaning.

When I reached her breast, I looked at her under my lashes and found her already looking at me. I did not break our eye contact even with my mouth enveloping her nipple and as soon as my tongue touched it, she closed her eyes and arched her body a little bit.

I copied what she did to me earlier. My hand cupping and massaging her breast while I suck at the other.

Hearing her moan, feeling her body arched, her hands not idly by, it's fueling my burning desire to please her more.

My mouth trailed down her flat stomach, taking my time to taste every corner of her body while my hands were still on her breasts, massaging them with my thumbs playing with her nipples.

As I went down further, I wedged my body in between her legs, positioning myself.

My hands were now holding her thigh, preparing for more action.

I looked at her beautiful center, god, it's so wet!

As my tongue touched her clit, I was so glad I looked at Alex under my lashes. Her eyes rolled to the back of its socket and moaned loudly. I never thought I'd feel so aroused by that view.

Her juice tasted good, it was sweet and salty at the same time.

I ate her out like there's no tomorrow.

But instead of my tongue going in and out of her center, I entered my middle finger inside of her. 

For a second, she looked at me but when I started moving my finger, she closed her eyes again and her hands seemed trying to hold on to something.

I quickened my pace when her moan got louder and louder and in just under a minute, I felt her body collapse with her hand holding mine.

"Fuck, Cara! That was fucking good!" I heard her say.

"Come here." She pulled me up her lips catching mine.

"How on earth did you know how to do that?" She said in between kisses, smiling.

"I guess, you're a good teacher." I told her smiling.

"Hello! Cara? You there?" Claire's hand was waving in front of my face.

"Where did you go?" She said sarcastically.

"What? Uhhm... I was just, I-I remembered something."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you did!" Claire's smile grew wider and winked at me.

"You're gross! Grow up." I laid my back on the bed, there was no way I would admit to her that my mind wandered back to last night's event.

Claire lay down beside me. I know she wanted to say something but chose not to, which I really appreciated.

"What are you gonna do with Brian?" She said after a while.

"You cannot just avoid him, Cara." She continued when I didn't answer her.

"Who said I'll avoid him?" I closed my eyes tight. I don't want to think about Brian now.

I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep.


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