12. My Baby, but Also Not My Baby

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When I woke up I realized I felt much better, but I still felt groggy and drained of all energy.

I sighed, feeling my limbs, and had the pleasant surprise of Brax rubbing his head under my chin. I smile, feeling more relaxed now that he is with me.

I raised my arms to cradle him and Brax let out a happy chirp.

"Mhm, my baby" I mumble enjoying the warmth his scaly skin brings.

I jump when I hear a low growl. I open my eyes alert and look to the sitting area where Phoenix is watching me with a glare.

Well, fuck.

"Phoenix..." I mumble, mortified that he heard me calling Brax my baby.

Brax sensing my distress jumps up and barks at his father as if scolding him. If I had the energy, I would have laughed.

He then turns to me and starts scratching my shirt with one paw, I know what he wants, but I don't have any clothes here with me.

He whines when he notices I'm not moving and I try to soothe him.

"What does he want?" Phoenix inquires, knowing his son wanted something, and is upset at not getting it.

I sigh, preparing myself to ask the brute of a man something.

"Can I borrow a hoodie of yours?" I ask, knowing very well that he will probably burn the item after I'm done with it.

He grunts and in a blink of an eye he is out of the door and not thirty seconds later, he is back with a hoodie. He reluctantly gives it to me and it takes me a while to put it on, feeling my stomach drop when propped on my arms to later get in a sitting position.

Once the hoodie is on, I lie down again and open the bottom of it. Brax doesn't waste a second and is soon inside the hoodie, trying to get his muzzle out of the neck hole. I smile and open it a bit so he has his face showing a bit. Making me know he is happy, licks my neck, and I laugh at the ticklish feeling.

"Is he... hiding?"

I'm surprised when I hear Phoenix directing a question toward me and I stare at him, trying to find something but I don't sense any animosity in him.

"No. He just likes the warmth of being inside of the hoodie. Besides, he is a clingy baby" I explain, remembering all the times he would do this when I arrived from work and lay down tired.

The Dragon King simply grunts in response, staring at the hiding form of his son in his hoodie.

Soon, I feel myself dozing off. I feel Brax moving and get out of the hoodie and start whining to his dad to get closer. He does so with his jaw clenched. When Phoenix is close enough, Brax bites down on his shirt and starts pulling him.

Oh, no. He was trying to get Phoenix on the bed.

"Brax..." he grumbles with no avail, Brax is still pulling, and ripping his shirt won't stop him. We both knew that.

Phoenix connects his eyes with me and I instantly look away, not really wanting to show my emotions to him. I didn't want him lying down next to me, but Brax wanted him to and what Brax wanted, goes.

Phoenix lies down next to me ever so slowly, making sure he is far away. When Brax saw his dad was installed next to us, he got back into the hoodie. The tense and deadly silence of the room was soon filled with the soft snores of Brax, that noise making me relax, knowing that while Phoenix's son was with me, he wouldn't hurt me.

I force myself to get my guard down and close my eyes, one hand caressing Brax's soft scales. His tail was around my wrist in a tight hold, which was actually comforting. I liked that he wanted me, that he cared. A creature, a boy, wanted me, liked me. He loved me like I loved him and felt safe with me, and that made my heart tight with warm feelings.

I knew one day I'd like to have kids, but I expected to be married by then. And when I was thinking about dating and what kind of man I wanted, I knew that if I met someone with a child, I wouldn't mind, knowing fully well that depending on how the man treated his child would either melt my heart and make me fall head first, or drive me away. And I also considered if the child's behavior or personality would make me stay or leave, not really knowing I could date someone with a hateful or bratty child.

Now, with a child in my arms, and his father napping next to me, my feelings were all over the place. I loved Brax, he was caring, loving, and funny. Even if he was a mess sometimes, he was still a baby, and babies were a handful. Brax was a pleasure to deal with, though I must admit, at the beginning was kind of messy and stressful, but he was my responsibility and I knew no matter what, I wouldn't give up on him.

Brax made my motherly instinct come to life and then, I started imagining myself as a mother, and I knew if by any chance, Phoenix allowed me to stay, I would be the best version of myself for Brax. I wanted to love him, I wanted to treat him like my child, but I knew there were some boundaries, and I needed to respect that Phoenix didn't want me acting like that with Brax.

So I either needed to distance myself emotionally from Brax or... I don't know. I didn't want to think about it, already feeling my heart aching with the mere thought. Maybe, for my sake, I indeed needed to distance myself, or else I doubt I would survive the heartache that will come once Phoenix takes me back to my world, closing the door to Brax forever.

I swear in my mind.

I needed to change Phoenix's mind about me. But, how?

Maybe I should try to be... nice to him, more approachable. But I knew damn well that it might be almost impossible because I was terrified of him. Maybe I'll need to make an agreement of not hurting me no matter what and maybe then I'll feel safer dealing with him.

Yeah, maybe I'll do that.

I can add my signature and Brax's to make it more 'official'. He'll probably laugh in my face, but if that ensures my safety and a way to keep Brax, I will do it.


Guys, calm down, let's not get baby fever, okay??? CALM DOWN!

Sadly, not all children are as chill as Brax...

Ugh, now I want a Brax to myself...

and a Dragon King LOL!

See ya'll next chapter!

See ya'll next chapter!

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