55. The Past Knocking At The Door

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Phoenix, Brax and I were outside in the garden, under the shade of a big oak tree deeper in the garden having tea, celebrating the new addition of our family and the fact that Brax has finally started his final shedding before finally shifting! I was so excited I couldn't stop staring at those toes of him. 

His last two sheddings, Brax didn't enjoy them one bit. In his second shedding, he complained like a human baby would while teething. But this time around, he seemed happy. I think he knew what was happening to him.

Phoenix thought since he saw me shedding without much trouble -ish- he wanted to be a big boy and go through his shedding like his momma.

"I'll never get tired of this," I say moaning while munching on the chocolate eclair.

"From eating a big wiener?" Phoenix joked and I choked on the bite, looking at Brax who was happily devoring his strawberry tart, oblivious to the dirty joke his dad just told.

I am quick to swallow so I could scold him.


He simply wiggles his eyebrows with an open smile. I snorted, unable to hold in the laughter.

"You are impossible... But seriously, none of that in front of our son," I point at him with what was left of my eclair, and in response, he leaned in and ate the piece from my hand. "Hey! That was mine," I pouted.

"Delicious," was his answer.

I glare at him, making eye contact while I take a tart from his plate.

"Hey! That was the last one," it was his turn to pout.

"Delicious," I retorted not breaking eye contact while munching on the tart.

He opened his mouth to reply but another strange voice interrupted him.

"It was sad when we didn't receive an invitation to the celebration."

I turn around to see two men. They were fit and tall, but they weren't as brawny as Phoenix. One was slimmer than the other. The bigger one had dark blue hair, almost like Phoeinx's, and the other one had deep red hair, tied in a high bun.

I didn't like one bit their presence.

When I turned I was shocked to see Phoenix's body shaking, his eyes dark with rage. He stood up abruptly.

"Lilly, go inside and take Brax with you," he ordered, and I frowned.

He was pushing me away. He only did that when I mentioned his parents.

"No, Phoenix. We are mates, thus, a team. Let me support you," I insisted, staring back at him.

Phoenix clenched his jaw, an inner battle happening inside of him.

He growled, displeased, and snapped his finger, and in an instant, a maid came.

"Take my son inside and don't let him out of your sight,"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The maid bowed and guided an annoyed Brax inside.

"How sweet," the red-haired man mocked and I growled at him, not liking his condescending tone.

My beast awoke after being away after the incident, giving me space, and showing she didn't trust them. Her presence made me anxious, I don't really trust her anymore, afraid of being pushed away in my own mind again.

Phoenix goes to stand beside me, wrapping an arm around me, sensing my distress.

"Why are you here? I want you gone," Phoenix growled lowly, unhappy with their unexpected visit.

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