37. Damn You Ex

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I've never thought I would find myself in this kind of situation. I thought I saw the last of her when she abandoned my and Brax's egg and I caught her with her mate, yet, here she was... as if nothing had happened.

Which pissed the hell off of me. 

I knew I had to keep her away from my mate and erase all traces of Lilly's scent off Brax and I so she wouldn't suspect anything. I didn't trust her, and I would be damned if she brought any harm to Lilly.

I ordered the babysitter assigned for Brax to shower him, and take him to my aunt's home, with the task of making him go to nature and disappear the scent of Lilly off him.

It broke my heart to reject Lilly, but I didn't want to subject her to my ex. If Kara could deceive me and abandon her son, she was capable of anything.

"What the fuck are you doing here," I growled at her once I settled things with Lilly and Brax, and showered and engulfed my body in all kinds of scents.

I took her to the other end of the castle, far away from Lilly. I needed to get rid of Kara quickly so I could finally go back to Lilly and spoil her for the trouble and hurt I put her through.

Kara pouts, battling her eyelashes. That used to melt my heart. Now? It only irritated me.

"What do you think? Can't the mother of your son visit him?"

I scoff. When I think about Brax's mom, the only image that appears in my mind is the image of Lilly.

"You might have given birth to him, but you are not his mother" I retort, not attempting to sugarcoat or be nice to her.

The respect I had for her vanished when she walked out on us.

Kara looked a bit disgruntled but covered it up quickly with an expression of hurt.

"How could you say that? I am his mother! I have a right to see him!" she exclaimed, raising her voice. I growl a warning. She steps back, pursing her lips. 

It was clear she was irritated she no longer had the power she used to have on me. She now was no one to me, she meant nothing.

"Oh, yeah? Where have you been the past five months, uh?" I ask, sarcasm lasing my words.

I cross my arms over my shoulder, enjoying watching her helpless, powerless.

She keeps quiet, probably internalizing the ire she is probably feeling. She knows I'll kick her if she shows aggression, showing her true colors and the true intentions as to why she is here after all this time.

"Phoenix, please! I made a mistake, I'm sorry! Can we please try again? We..."

I snort when she started begging.

I was disgusted, for lack of better words. She wasn't a good person, a good mate, a good mother. And definitely, she wouldn't be a good queen. I was blind with love when we were together, but not anymore. The veil that covered my eyes is gone, and I now see Kara as the person she has always been.

"You can't just walk away and reappear and expect to play mommy," I look down at her, glaring at her. Besides, the position has been taken. "I won't take you back, so you should accept that and move on already," I say, ending the conversation.

"At least can I see him?" she asks, pouting.

I groan internally, my morals battling with each other. I am pretty sure she is after something, and I don't know what's the gain of appearing now after all this time. I knew that seeing Brax should mean nothing, and should be harmless. Still, I didn't feel comfortable about it. But still, she was his mother by birth, and denying her to see her son when she asked would be an ashole move, and yet, I couldn't say yes right away.

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