Chapter 25: Epilogue

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Now the faithful reader might be wondering whatever happened to our six friends after they had recovered from the whole deranged dark mage incident?

I shall shed some light on the matter.

Truthfully, they simply returned to their everyday life – like most people return to the mundane after having gone through a great adventure.

The year following the incident Kloeye entered the academy and the friendship between our six characters continued to grow and deepen.

Every one of them would frequently attest to how Izana had aided them and imparted his wisdom to them during their many subsequent meetings.

Surprisingly, as the reader could ensue from the previous chapter, Karlyle grew rather fond of our little blond haired boy. At times he was even quite protective of him – almost like an older brother though in reality Damien had actually been the eldest.

After graduation Karlyle proposed to Alythia, as he had promised, and the two were married shortly after.

Blake and Ray also married a few months prior to them.

Damien and Kloeye eventually followed suit.

Every pair also entered into a contract and the six formed a guild together. 

As a team they embarked on many exciting quests.

The most recent thereof was a mission regarding a Cerberus Familiar.

The three-headed dog had gone on a rampage in a city on the outskirts of Elysium. Since the Familiar did not have a Wielder of its own, Alythia's team were to subdue and capture it.

While tracking the beast that had escaped into a forest nearby, Alyhtia again met Izana in another dream... or well she assumed it had been a dream.

Yet whether reality or a dream or even a book, one would never know - only Izana himself knows of these things.


As Alythia leaned against the white Dragon that lay behind her in the vast empty space, she was merrily humming the familiar tune, when she abruptly stopped.

An unfamiliar fear had suddenly seized hold of her heart.

"What is it child?" the Dragon asked.

Alythia let out a deep sigh "Izana... you won't ever leave me will you?"

"Never child" he responded without even a moment's pause. "Have you forgotten that you are my jewel? Now though it be good for you to remain with Karlyle it is still not the ultimate good. You see, currently he is your covering – I have entrusted you to him for a time – but it is not to him that you belong. No, you are both the treasures of my father and to him and him alone must you return"

Alythia turned her head back to look at the Dragon "But why does the myth say that? Why does it claim that we will only find peace after reuniting with the Ancient Mage?"

"Because child" the Dragon explained "One can receive heat from the sun only because the sun has heat to give. In the same way one can only receive peace from the Ancient because he is the only one who has any real peace to give"

The girl thought over his words for a time before another question troubled her.

"Izana are there others like me – you know others who have also been reborn?"

"Of course there are child, but it is not for you to know who they are or from where they came. Just as you have your secrets with me, they also have secrets I will not share"

"Then" the girl continued "Will I ever go back?"

Izana stared at her for a time before answering. 

"For now you may remain here in this world, but one day I will come and get you"

"Will I then return to the place I came from?" she asked.

The Dragon eyed her tenderly "You will return to the place you were meant for".

Alythia seemed rather perplexed at his words. "Izana, sometimes you say things which are quite hard for me to understand"

"Ah fear not dear girl, I know some things may be too hard for children to grasp. Entrust the knowledge to me and I shall carry it for you a little while longer until you are able to bear it"

The girl's expression grew anxious "but what if I'm never able to bear it?"

"Alythia" the Dragon's voice was stern yet kind "I will not give you something which you cannot bear. And whatever I do give to you, I shall never leave you to carry it alone"

At his reassurance the girl's heart felt at ease.

"Ah but now you must rest" the Dragon urged "Tomorrow is a new day in which I shall meet with you again"

Our pink haired damsel let out a yawn as her heavy eyes fell shut and she nuzzled deeper into the Dragon's warm embrace.


And so here my dear reader is where our story ends.

Though no story ever truly ends – they merely shift into a different story.

But I have now said all that needs to be said about this particular part of their story.

As you may well have noticed the main character had been Izana all along as he is, and has always been, the very center of everything.

It seems that nothing – not even a story – can bear to stand without him.

So my wish is for the reader to continue to meet our dear white Dragon – whether in a book, in a dream, or in the eyes of another.

For he has many forms but do not fear since you will recognize him by his character.

Now as I bid thee farewell, dear reader, please remember:

Izana will always come to those who call for him – if their calling be in fact from a humble heart and a sincere longing.

He is not in the business of forsaking his jewels.

A DRAGON'S JEWEL: the Ancient Mage and the dark artsWhere stories live. Discover now