Chapter 13: Meeting the original Heroine

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The openings ceremony was probably as exciting as peeling potatoes.

This gave Alythia some time to scheme about how she was going to give Karlyle the slip, however, even nearing the end of the speeches she still couldn't come up with anything good enough to actually fool this intelligent and immensely perceptive Dragon.

"Yo Kyle" Blake said in greeting as he walked up to them after the ceremony had ended. "Mr Damiano wants to see you, something about logistic problems"

Karlyle let out a sigh "How troublesome" he muttered before glancing at Alythia.

He then turned his attention back to Blake "Fine, then you accompany Tia to the notice board. She'll get lost if she goes alone"

Alythia's eyebrows rose in surprise 'Eh? What am I?? Some child who needs a nanny??'

She stared at Karlyle with puffed cheeks, but he interrupted her before she was able to argue "Tia, you're not a child but you are extremely bad with directions"

She wanted to protest but couldn't, since he was right.

Karlyle moved closer to her and whispered in her ear "And I know you two are up to something but in my absence please stay out of trouble"

Alythia wanted to deny that she was up to anything but before she had the chance she felt someone yank her arm and pull her out the main door towards the garden.


"Lucky for us the Headmaster wanted to see Kyle otherwise he never would've let you out of his sight" the black haired boy hummed in amusement "Quite the protective and over-bearing pet isn't he?"

As they passed the fountain in the middle of the garden, Alythia felt a push from behind before plummeting face-first into some nearby bushes.

She scowled at Blake as he crawled in after her "ARE YOU INSANE!?" she hissed but was silenced by a pair of big pale hands covering her mouth.

"Shhhh or they'll hear you" Blake said, pointing over the bushes into a direction.

When Alythia peeked out she saw a boy and girl walking together. They also seemed to be heading towards the School's Square.

The olive skinned girl was exceptionally pretty. She had chocolate brown hair and dark-green eyes.

"Ray Rivermore" Alythia muttered when she realized that the girl's appearance matched the description of the Heroine from the novel

"Eh? You already know her?" Blake asked, clearly surprised. "That's strange, since she was only supposed to move into your room this afternoon..."

"Ah well I've hear rumors about her you know, it's not every day that a commoner gets --- WAIT A MINUTE --- what do you mean 'move into my room'?"

Blake looked at her and responded without even a hint of shame "She's you're roommate – I arranged it like that to, you know, make it easier for you to help me out with her"

Alythia stared at the prince, absolutely astonished by how he is able to abuse his power for personal gain without even the slightest bit of remorse.

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