Chapter 9: Uncovering Secrets

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Daybreak came, the Sunday morning just after Kloeye's party.

The mansion was still fast asleep, or so Alythia thought, while making her way to the library. As she pushed against the two gigantic doors with all her might, she heard a creak, and straightened as they opened.

The room inside was absolutely breathtaking. Thousands upon thousands of books spread, neatly arrayed, across hundreds of bookshelves, some so tall that Alythia couldn't even imagine ever reaching the top.  

As she slowly made her way through the hallways, skimming the titles of surrounding books - in search of a new spell casting guide - she noticed her mind begin to wander.

She remembered her father, and how all his bookshelves were in ruin. As she pondered on what drove him to it, she felt a shiver run down her spine - as both terror and grief trickled over her skin like water from a stream. It gave her goosebumps. 

"Are you cold?" a voice asked, effectively pulling her away from her thoughts. 

Alythia turned and there before her, immerging from a darkened corned where nothing more than a dim light shone, was Karlyle. 

He was wearing a grey sweater, but quickly took it off as he approached. He stepped in behind her and draped it over her shoulders. She clutched at it with both hands, tightly gripping it around her neck.

"Couldn't sleep?" she asked, trying to prevent her voice from cracking and exposing her hidden dread.

Karlyle smiled.

"I'm always up this early - reading. You however, aren't". 

He took her one hand in his and led her towards the corner from where he immerged. 

As her eyes adjusted to the dimmed light, she saw a lit fireplace and three couches arranged around a tiny wooden table. 

Karlyle held her hand until she was firmly seated on the couch opposite to where he had evidently been reading - as a book was placed open and upside down on top of the table right in front of his assumed seat.

After sitting down, he stared at her for a time. 

Alythia glanced away, but since his intensity did not lessen, she puckered up the courage to speak.

"Even if Karlyle thinks I'm nice to look at... its rude to stare", she met his eyes, still bashful but attempting to feign confidence with a slight grin.

Karlyle blinked, clearly surprised by her response, and then instinctively covered his mouth with his hand as a chuckle threatened to escape.

He cleared his throat. 

"Cute" he said, grin spreading. "I was contemplating... should I ask what's troubling you, or should I wait for you to tell me".

Karlyle's eyes narrowed

Alythia's eyes narrowed in response

"I'm still contemplating" he added

And they stared at each other for a time

A DRAGON'S JEWEL: the Ancient Mage and the dark artsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα