Chapter Eleven.

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I knocked on the door and folded my hands behind my back, rocking myself on my heels as I waited. I heard shuffling and soon, the door opened to a sleepy looking Jennifer opened the door in a while.

I held my wolf on a tight leash when I saw her wearing her sleeping outfit that consisted of the shirt and the shorts. She blushed when she noticed that I was only wearing jeans.

"Good morning, Jennifer." I said and she smiled.

"Good morning. Is something wrong?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No. I'm going to the training grounds. Do you want Bella to join me?" I asked and she seemed to think about it. Her eyebrows frowned a little and she nodded with a smile.

"Yes. Thank you, Leon." She said and I smiled at her. She walked back into her room and I saw a lump on the bed. I smiled when I realised it was Bella.

As we, Bella and I, walked downstairs towards the training grounds, she was bouncing excitedly, talking animatedly about her life and school (her holidays had started) before Jennifer had joined me at work. I listened to her in fascination, wanting to hear and learn everything about my mate.

The sound of labored breathing greeted us as we walked out of the mansion. I looked up and saw the warriors and Andrew running around the field, warming up as Andrew led them.

The hairs on the back of my neck raised up just as the smell of jasmine came. I looked behind me and saw Jennifer cautiously coming towards us. She had changed from the shorts into jeans and was wearing a sweater over the shirt.

"Got curious?" I asked and she gave me a sheepish smile and a nod. I chucked and turned towards the running warriors. Andrew saw me and nodded, bringing the wolves near to where I was.

"Partner up!" Casper shouted as he came and stood in front of me. The wolves assembled in a flash, the new wolves standing a little away from the others.

"We'll start with the new wolves first." I said and Casper nodded. The warriors created a U-shaped circle for a make-shift border for the fight.

"We'll start with you, Fields." Casper said and a boy stepped up. He was a little scrawny for a wolf, but I knew the training would get him into shape in no time. "Frank." Casper said and the warrior nodded, stepping up as well.

Frank was our warrior who was good in training new wolves. He was a karate teacher in his spare time so he knew how much a newly trained wolf could take just by his size.

They stood up in front of each other, both looked like they were at ease, but I could see that the boy was tense.

"Relax your muscles, boy. Don't be tense." Frank said before I could point that out. The boy nodded and breathed out. Frank crossed his hands behind his back. "First move is yours. Try to get my face." Frank said and the boy nodded.

"What's going on?" Jennifer asked me as she came and stepped up beside me. I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and hold her close to me; breathe in her wonderful scent that never failed to tickle my senses. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Frank is going to evaluate how well that boy is doing in training first. After that, he'll tell Casper who'll make them improve in their weaknesses." I said and she nodded, but raised her eyebrow at me.

"What do you do then?" She asked. I heard Andrew choke on a laugh and even Casper's shoulder moved slightly. Noticing that, Jennifer blushed. "Sorry." She said and I chuckled.

"I train with Andrew there." I said, motioning towards Andrew. "I've been trained since I was thirteen because I was the future Alpha, but my training is complete now." I said and she nodded.

As we were talking, the boy had made his move but Frank threw his head back, easily dodging the punch.

"Again. Remember, strength isn't everything. Strategy is what matters most in a fight." Frank said loudly, making sure everyone heard that. The boy nodded and took his stance again. He stayed like that for a few movements. I could see his eyes evaluating everything, from Frank's size, his speed he was famous for, as well as any openings Frank might have left on purpose for him to find.

In a flash that boy raised his leg for a kick, but Frank caught it in his hand, just near his waist. The boy grinned and jumped. Using his other leg, he slammed it against Frank's face. As Frank dropped the boy’s leg, he used his hands and caught himself before pushing his legs backwards, standing up.

We all nodded in approval. Frank rubbed his jaw where he was hit, looking at the boy. "Not bad for a newbie. You left an opening though. If I was someone else, your leg would have been broken and you would have been incapable of walking. You always have to be careful about that. Never leave an opening in front of your enemy." Frank said and the boy nodded.

A hand tugged my own and I looked down to see Bella looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Can I try, Leon? Please?" She asked, stretching the 'please' as she did. I frowned.


"Please?" She asked again and I sighed. I looked at Jennifer who gave me a defeated look, knowing her daughter very well. I sighed in defeat.

"Frank!" I called and he looked up at me in question. I motioned Bella forward and she practically bounced towards Frank. "She wants a try." I said and Frank nodded.

"Shift." Frank said and Bella looked at me in question.

"Do as he says, Bella." I said and she nodded.

"Why shift?" Jennifer asked just as Bella shifted into her small brown wolf. Gasps escaped from everyone around us.

"A person’s wolf is also a way of seeing how strong and powerful the person is. Like my big size shows that I'm an Alpha." I said and Jennifer nodded. Frank walked around Bella.

"How old is this pup?" He asked.

"Five." Jennifer replied and Frank hummed. He squat down and touched Bella's hind legs. It made a growl escape from her as she pulled her leg away from Frank's fingers.

"Spirited young pup. Relax, I'm just seeing how strong your muscles are." Frank said and reached out again. This time Bella didn't growl, only stiffened. "Someone get me those pads." Frank said and a warrior nodded before leaving.

"Strong teeth. Sharp. Very deadly for such a young pup." Frank said as he saw Bella's sharp canines. He snapped his fingers on either side of Bella's head, and her ears responded almost immediately.

"Shift back." He said and soon Bella stood up on her two legs.

"Sorry about growling. My wolf doesn't like being touched." She said and Frank's eyebrows asked in surprise.

"You talk to your wolf?" He asked and Bella nodded, looking around in confusion. The warrior who had left came with two fighting pads in his hands. "Tell me, young pup. Do you know how to punch?" He asked and Bella thought about it.

"I saw how to on TV." She said and formed a fist. Frank showed her how to properly do it and then nodded in approval when she copied him. He grabbed the two pads and fit his hands into it.

"Now, I want you to punch this pad as strongly as you can. Can you do that?" He asked and Bella nodded.

"She's not going to get hurt, is she?" Jennifer asked and I shook my head.

"Frank is a karate teacher, Jennifer. He has taught many kids as well. Me included." I said and she nodded trusting my word. It made my heart pound in happiness at how easily she trusted me, my words.

Frank made Bella take a proper stance for the punch. Her left knee bending lightly in front of her while her right leg was pulled back.

"As hard as you can, pup. Remember it." Frank said and Bella nodded. "You ready?" He asked and Bella nodded again. Frank held his hands out, a go signal and I saw Bella take a deep breath. She pulled her fist back slightly before striking out and punched the pad.

Gasps escaped from everyone, including me, when the sound of bones breaking came.

"Bella!" Jennifer shouted in panic, running towards her, but she did it a second too soon.

Frank let out a cry of pain.

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