Chapter Seventeen.

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I froze but Bella leaned down even more, oblivious to realise what she had just said.

"Oh no. That's not grandma." Bella said and leaned back against her pillow with a slouch.

"What do you mean, Bella?" I asked and she shrugged.

"She looks like my grandma. But my grandma has black hair and these eyes." Bella said, pointing towards her eyes and then pointed towards the little girl in the picture. "She has blue eyes and shiny yellow hair." She finished and I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

She scared me there for a second. My wolf said and I nodded mentally in agreement. I snapped out of it and ruffled Bella's hair.

"I think that's enough story telling for tonight." I said and closed the book. Bella looked up at me with a pout.

"But, daddy, we just started!" She whined but I gave her a look, which immediately made her pout in disappointment.

"Not tonight, Bella. Please." I added softly when her face turned sad. She gave me a disappointed nod then shifted so that she was laying down on the bed. "Goodnight, Bella." I said as I tucked her in and placed a kiss to her temple.

"Goodnight, daddy." She said and closed her eyes. I sighed softly and picked the book up before getting up from the bed. I quietly closed the door behind me. When I looked down the hall that lead to my office, I saw Jennifer walking towards me. She was looking at me curiously.

"Over so soon?" She asked and suddenly, something took over me. I didn't answer her but grabbed her hand, dragging her with me to my office, ignoring her questions.

When I pulled her in the office, I kicked the door close behind me and locked it. Jennifer was looking at me with wide eyes in alarm. I carefully placed the book on the table, opening it to the picture of the young girl before stepping back. Jennifer got the gist and stepped up, peering down at the picture. I heard her gasp.

"Bella called her 'Grandma.'." I said quietly.

"I don't blame her. Mom did look a lot like her at the same age. Who is she?" She asked and turned towards me. I crossed my arms on my chest.

"That's the first werewolf child to be born. Her father was the first werewolf. A human turned into one." I said and Jennifer's eyes widened.

"What?" She breathed out.

"Is there something you're hiding from me, Jennifer?" I asked quietly as I took a step forward. "Do you know how is Bella so strong?" I asked as I took slow deliberate steps towards her. She backed away but got trapped against the desk. "Do you know how Bella is a werewolf when both her parents are humans?" I asked quietly as I stood only a few inches away from her. She was looking up at me with wide eyes, and if I guessed it right, she was afraid. But I couldn't really blame her at the moment. This was all too messed up. And it was messing with my brain. I didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Leon, you know I wouldn't hide anything from you." Jennifer whispered. I leaned down a little so that we were on a face to face level.

"I know, but someone like Bella is to be protected at all costs, no? Even if it involves lying to your mate." I said a little coldly but she shook her head a frantically.

"I have never lied to you." She said and both my wolf and I could detect the truth in her words.

"Hidden then." I said, provoking her deliberately. She frowned.

"Why are you doing this, Leon? I've never lied or hidden anything from you. I told you my biggest secret and you're parading it around to everyone!" She exclaimed and I frowned.

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