Chapter Twenty-Four.

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"Mate?" Elder Diaz asked breathlessly. In a flash, Bella's eyes brightened again and she shrugged.

"Everyone is saying we're mates." She said casually and all we could do was gape at her.

"How did you throw him so easily?" One of the Alpha's asked and Bella pointed towards me.

"Daddy makes me take self-defense classes." She said and my eyes widened subconsciously.

What a sly little devil she is.

"Step away from your mate, Wolf." Elder Carter said and I frowned.

"Why?" I asked, pulling Jennifer closer to me.

"Just do it!" He commanded and my wolf whined as I slowly obeyed. Jennifer gave me a panicked look
but I gave her a reassuring smile. As soon as I left her, Elder Carter ran over to her in a flash and titled her head to the side. That's when I realised he was examining my mark.

The other four Elders joined him as well and suddenly Elder Francis gasped.

"Impossible." He breathed out. I felt a sense of anxiety take over me and I rushed back towards them.

"What's going on?" I asked but didn't get a reply. Elder Diaz turned towards the crowd.

"Leave us! The ball is over!" He commanded and all the Alpha's and Luna's left reluctantly, mom and dad were sent away as well when they tried to stay. The warriors picked up Blake's unconscious form and I instructed them to take him to the dungeons. So it was only nine of us, the Elders, Xander, Bella, Jennifer and I. Elder Edgar kneeled down to Bella and Xander's height.

"Tell me the truth, both of you. Have you shifted?" He asked softly and Bella gave me a subtle panicked look before shaking her head. Jennifer and I held our breaths.

"I'm human." She said quietly and Xander also added. "I haven't shifted."

Elder Edgar frowned. His head suddenly turned towards me and then an understanding look came on his face before he looked back at the kids.

"We aren't going to harm you, little ones. This is something that we truly need to know." He said and Bella shook her head.

"I... No." She said quietly. Elder Edgar frowned even more.

"You don't believe me. It's understandable. How about this, we all, us Elders, we give you our solemn promise that we won't harm a hair on your head. Or anyone whom you love. An Elders promise is eternal, little one." He said and Bella looked up at me in question.

What he says is true. Something must be up if he's giving them an Elders promise. They rarely do that. My wolf said and I sighed in defeat.

"It's alright. Tell them the truth." I said to Bella quietly. Jennifer grabbed my hand in protest but I gave her a look that said 'Trust me.'. She nodded, visibly swallowing a lump in her throat. Bella gave me one last look before nodded, looking down.

"I'm a werewolf." She said quietly.

"I have shifted." Xander said and took Bella's hand in his. "And we're mate’s." He continued and Elder Edgar's eyes widened.

"Is her father a werewolf?" Elder Jones asked and Jennifer and I shook our heads.

"Human." We said quietly. The Elders eyes widened.

"The humans werewolf child..." Elder Francis said under his breath and we frowned.

"Are you faster than most wolves? Stronger? More agile?" Elder Carter asked rapidly and Bella and Xander nodded without a word.

Alpha's Awaited Mate *Re-uploaded*Where stories live. Discover now