Chapter 13: The Kanima

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I get to school in the middle of the day. I have been on the flight pretty much the whole day. I text my mom, just as I rush into class. Jackson pushes past me as I run to my seat. Scott gives me a questioning look, but I just stare straight ahead. 

It finally hits me. We couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop it. Lucifer is here and it's going to be hell on earth. 

"Hey testicle left and right." I hear Jackson say to Scott and Stiles. "What the hell is a kanima?" My eyes widen and I couldn't control my heart rate. I quickly get it under control, hopefully before Scott noticed. 

"All right, listen up." Coach says, slamming a book on his desk. "A quick warning before we do our review. Some of you, like boy McCall, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult... I'm not to sure I could pass it.  Ok, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question."

A boy walks up to the board as I eavesdrop on my brother's conversation with Jackson. "Paralyzed from the neck down, do you know what that's like?" Jackson asks. Bobby did say that kanimas possessed a paralytic toxin. 

"I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles says. 

"Why would Derek test you?" Scott asks. "Why would he think that it's you?"

"How should I know?" Jackson asks.

"They think it's Lydia?" Stiles asks. I shift a little. I won't let some dogs hurt my best friend. 

"I don't know. All I heard was her name and something about chemistry."

"Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" Coach asks.

"Just an undying admiration for my coach." Jackson says.

"That's really kind of you." Jackson smiles, like he's off the hook. "Now shut up!" He points to me and Lydia. "Do the question."

I walk up with Lydia and she starts to write. I stop trying to read what she is writing. "Lydia? What are you writing?" I ask quietly. She doesn't answer as she finishes. I see tears streaming down her face as she turns around. 

I quickly analyze the writing. It's three words, written backwards. SOMEONE HELP ME


I have an open period when Lydia has chemistry. I look in, near the end of the period and see that everyone is surrounding her. I see her pick up a crystal and I see some liquid on it. I recognize it as the kanima venom. She takes a bite and nothing happens. She passed the test. 

Once she comes out of the room, I grab her and invite her to my house after school to study. We quickly rush to my house and I make sure to lock the door. 

"Lizzie! Lizzie, have you seen--?" I hear Stiles yell as he gets to my room. 

"Have I seen who?" I ask.

"Lydia, you're here." Stiles says, out of breath.

"Yeah, we're studying." Lydia says as Allison and Jackson walk up. 

"Lizzie, could you go for a minute, I need to talk to Lydia." Jackson says, pulling me out. He slams the door and Allison, Stiles and I walk down stairs. 

It soon turns dark as Allison and Stiles look outside constantly. I soon sneak a peak and see that Derek and his three betas are waiting outside to kill Lydia. 

I hear someone walking, not so soundlessly, towards us. "I'm gonna check on Lydia." I say, walking up stairs. I hear someone, probably Isaac beating up Allison and Stiles.

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