Chapter 12

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We get to the pack house and we walk back to the room. I put my bags on the bed and lay down on the bed. Adam lays down beside me and I put my head in his shoulder. We stay in comfortable silence for a while before Adam speaks.

"How did it go with Emma?" He says. "Good, she's not happy that I left but she understands" I say.

He starts running his hand up and down my arm. "Who's the dick that punched me?" He said, his voice filled with annoyance.

"That's Ryan, Emma's mate. They've been together for a long time now." I saw and I start thinking about the first time Emma came running at me gossiping about Ryan.

I sit up on the bed and I decide to unpack my stuff, I was gonna get up when I heard Adam whimper. "What?" I look back at him to see him with a sad face. Literally, a sad face. He pats on where I was lying just now.

I giggle. "I have to unpack my stuff."  "Do you have to do that now?" He says pouting. "Yes." I said and chuckled. "Unless you wanna help me?" I say hoping that he'll say yes.

He sits up on the bed and thinks about it. "Fine, I'll help my poor princess." I stick my tongue out at him and he gives me a small laugh. I get up and made my way to my bags.

"Where do I put my clothes?" I say while giving him the duffel bag. "You can put them in the lower drawers, those are empty." He says while going to the bathroom to put my shampoo and all that in there.

I put all my clothes in drawer and when I lean on drawer and I see Adam frozen in his spot. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"What are you looking at?" I say. He turns around and gives me my picture of me and my parents. I grab the picture and stare at it. My nerves took over me and suddenly I forgot to speak.

"Are they your parents?" He asks me in a soft voice. I look at him and back down at the picture and give him a sad smile. "Yeah" I say running my fingers through the frame.

I knew I was gonna tell Adam about my past one day, I just didn't expect it to be so soon. "What happened?" Adam asks.

I know he means about the day that his dad asked me about my parents and I had a panic attack. He knows something happened and he's not dumb enough to think that it didn't.

"I was five when my dad left us, it was at my birthday party. Well, it really wasn't a party. It was just me, my mom and dad. They had a heated fight and my mom told me to wait outside. She was crying and I never saw her cry. Later that night, he left. He didn't say goodbye or anything, he just packed his bags and left. At that moment I didn't know what was happening and when I asked my mom she just told me that he was gonna be back soon." Suddenly the memories started flooding back to me.

"Mommy? Where did daddy go?" I rubbed my sleepy eyes. Mom wiped away her tears and pulled me into her lap. "He'll be back soon, ok baby?" She said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I rested my head on her shoulder and I started getting sleepy. Mom started crying silently as I fell asleep.

"Everyday I would wait outside for my dad. Waiting for his car to show up or for the sound of doorbell. I would do my homework on the front porch and when I was done I would wait for him. My mom knew what I was doing and I think I was hurting her more that she already was. The fact that I would wait for him somehow broke her heart. Soon, she started to get sick. She would have to stay home because she was vomiting all day or she just didn't have enough energy to get up. At that time I was about 10 years old."

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