Chapter 26

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My whole body feels numb as I'm being dragged across the ground. I don't know what the hell is happening all I know is that Riley is in danger and I'm bleeding.

I knew that sooner or later they were gonna find her. I just didn't know that it would be so soon...

My Riley.

My heart hurts at the thought of her being taken away and all I could do was watch, I couldn't do anything to help her...

My wolf whimpers at the thought of her being hurt. Tortured. Who knows what they're gonna do to her.

"If you as much as touch her I swear to god I will kill you." I say, as of now I'm getting dizzy and sleepy. But I know it's because of the blood loss.

"Would you like another scratch to shut that mouth of yours?" Kevin says throwing me in the back of a truck. I hiss at the pain that this causes me.

A wolf scratch is way deeper that you think. Not only is the wolf powerful by itself but its claws can kill you when you change into your human form.

"Time to go to sleep." Kevin says and hits me in the face with something hard and solid.

And everything goes black.

For the next couple of hours I wake up then fall back to sleep instantly. I don't know what's happening but I'm getting weaker by the hour.


I open my eyes and try to search for Riley. Is she ok? Is she hurt? Where am I? Where is she?

There's a window up on the wall behind that lets the light of the moon illuminates the room just a little bit. I look around the dark room only to find that Riley isn't here. I was so sure I heard her voice. But maybe it was my imagination playing games with me.

I noticed that I don't have any ropes on me or anything. The second I try to get up I fall back down. My whole body feels heavy as if I have chains all over me.

I look around me and to my left I make out a silhouette of a person. I try to reach out to that person and poke his arm. I touch something wet and when I take a closer look it's blood.

I clean the blood on my pants and look to my right to see another silhouette of a person. Again, I reach out but before I touch him I look to the ground and see a pool of blood coming from the body. I then notice the smell that the room has, dead bodies and blood.

Am I gonna die here?

A metal door opens and a person appears in the doorway. The door is slammed shut and the person walks closer to me until they're standing right in front of me.

"Finally awake, I see?" The voice says. My blood runs to a boil as I hear that voice.


He crouches down and hands me a glass of what seems like water. I look at the glass and then back at him. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't confused. I mean here I am in god-knows-where held hostage and he's handing me a glass of water.

"Don't worry, there's nothing in it. It's just a glass of water. I might be the bad guy here but I need you alive." He says. I take the glass from him with difficulty and gulp it down.

"But of course it's not only water. I've put some chemicals in it to make you weak." He says and pulls out a syringe with something liquid in it.

"Can't forget your daily medicine." He said and holds onto my arm with such force that I can't retrieve my arm. He injects it and a burning sensation runs throughout my body. I groan at the pain that this causes and try to take my hand away from his hold.

"Now, now it's just a little pinch." He retrieves the syringe and actually puts a small band-aid on it. "This prevents you from changing into your wolf. Can't have any lose dogs around, you know? Oh but don't worry, we've injected Riley too." He says, standing up and walking away.

"Don't you dare hurt Riley." I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh I won't. We're only gonna hurt you. Work your magic boys." He says and two other guys come inside the room. I try to back away but one of the guys pulls me by my legs and turns me around.

He puts my hands behind my back and ties the rope behind my back. Something leathery hits my back, instantly sending pain throughout my whole body.

I scream louder than I ever have in my life. He keeps whipping at my back until I can no longer feel anything.

"Get comfortable because that's what you'll be getting for the next couple of days." A deep voice said. He gave me one last whip before heading out the door.

The next couple of days were a blur. I was given the injection and the torture. They didn't need to give me the water, the whips were enough.

I didn't have any energy to get up and I would go from unconscious to conscious. I lost track of time and days. Riley consumed my mind 24/7, I didn't know where she was or if she was fine.

It was killing me not knowing where she was or if she was fine. I just hope that she's ok...


Ooohhh another update yaaasss! Sorry that this was a short chapter I wanted you guys to get another insight from Adam.

I hope that I'm getting back on track and hopefully I'll be updating in 2 days or tomorrow.

Hit follow so u know when I update! Love u guys❤️ see u on the next chapter!

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