Chapter 19

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Adam's POV

I turned into my wolf form and ran off into the woods. I reached the center of the woods, which was where the meetings took place, and changed back into my human form.

Thank God I changed with my clothes on.

I didn't like the idea of telling Riley about the meetings but I knew that one day she had to know. These meetings might not be dangerous but that doesn't mean that they know how to play fair.

Tyler appeared by my side a few seconds later. "You ready for this, man?" He asks a bit uneasy and I nod my head. "Riley stayed in her room, just in case you were gonna ask." Tyler says. "Thanks man." I say and pat his back.

A few moments later Jackson, Kevin and Jason appear. They're all part of the Lightwood pack and I don't like them one bit. They don't go to the same school that I do which is a relief.

I don't know what kind of stunts they'd pulled. They're all the same age, Jackson and Jason are brothers and Kevin is like their sidekick. Kevin basically takes the fall for everyone.

"Hello, boys." Says Jackson, he's pretty much the oldest between the three of them. "Jackson." I say. Jason and Kevin don't say anything which means that they wanna get straight to business.

"I hear there's a new pup in town." Jackson says me and Tyler look at each other with our brows furrowed. I glance at Kevin and Jason and I see that they're both smirking.

"What?" Tyler asks. "Oh, don't act dumb with us." Jackson says. "You can't keep her away from us forever." He says and I immediately realize that he's talking about Riley. My blood starts to boil and I feel my eyes turn black.

"And we want her." Jackson says. My hands turn into fists and it takes all my might not to punch him in the face. "Over our dead body she'll be yours." Tyler says and I know he's as mad as I am. Tyler and Riley have gotten close and I'm glad that they both get along really well.

I know I can count on Tyler because he wouldn't let anything happen to Riley. "It's such as shame though, keeping her locked up in that house of yours. Especially alone." He says smirking at us.

"Her body looks delicious." He says and before I could punch his stupid face Tyler holds my arm and pulls me back. I look at him and he shakes his head. Jackson laughs and I turn my direction towards him.

"Say that again and I'll break your neck and end your life right here, right now." I say in a deadly tone. "Oh, Parker." He says imitating he's wiping a tear off the corner of his eye. "You always crack me up." He says.

"What do you want, Jackson? You want the pack house, you want to be the strongest alpha? Is that what you want?" Tyler asks. Jackson gives him a deadly glare but Tyler knows better than to back down.

"I want your precious Riley." He says looking at me. "Stay away from her, Jackson." I say in a deadly tone. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of her." He says and gives me a wink.

I couldn't control myself anymore so I went and punched him in the face. Jason and Kevin backed away, they knew better than to mess with me or Jackson. He fell to the floor but then composed himself and got up. He wiped the blood from his nose and I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against a tree.

"Don't you dare even be close to her or I swear I will kill you. You and your stupid, pathetic sidekicks." I say and then I pushed him to the floor.

Me and Tyler turn into our wolf forms and made our way back to the pack house. Once we made it to the pack house we changed into our human forms but we stayed outside.

I was way to angry to go back inside and Tyler noticed. "You know nothing's gonna happen to Riley, right?" Tyler says trying to calm me down. I don't say anything still to angry to speak. I punch the tree and I see that both of my knuckles are bleeding a little bit.

I lean my head on the tree and I try to calm down my breathing. Even my hands are shaking. "We can't let her out of our sight, Tyler. If anything happens to her..." I don't finish the sentence but I know I don't need to, Tyler's practically my brother so he understands what I'm talking about.

"And that's not going to happen. Not while me and you are here for her." He says and puts a hand on my shoulder. "You're right." I say. I turn around, facing him and I lean against the tree.

"Just calm down, ok? We'll talk about this with Riley and we'll figure something out." My head snaps up when he said that. "Tyler, I can't lose her." I say.

"I know. Just go to your room and talk to her." Tyler says. Tyler's not the type of person that tells you that you should lie to your mate and keep stuff from her. He's more on the honest path than on the douchebag path, that's what I like about Tyler. He's never one to lie and even if he does he can't keep in for a day.

I give him a nod and we both go inside the house. He goes to his way and I go to mine. I enter the room and I see Riley sleeping. She looks so adorable, I find myself smiling at her. I'm so lucky to have her, I've never met anyone like her. She makes me feel things that I didn't even know that I could feel.

Ever since Alice I never made the effort to find my mate. Not because I was heartbroken but because I thought all the other girls would be just like her. A bitch. But then I met Riley and I've never been this happy in my life.

Even when my dad gets me mad she has a way of calming me down. God, I'm so madly in love with her. I make my way to the bathroom and wash the blood off my knuckles. I put on some antibiotic and I quietly go outside to the balcony.

I go outside and I sit on the floor, leaning against the wall. A few minutes later I see a shadow and I look up to see Riley wrapped in a blanket looking down at me with a sleepy face.

"Adam?" She says in a sleepy voice. "Hey, how did you know I was here?" I ask. "Your scent." She yawned, giving me a sleepy smile. I return the smile and she sits down next to me.

She wraps the blanket around me and puts her head on my shoulder. I rest my head on top of hers and she takes my hand in hers. "How was the meeting?" She asks, letting out another yawn.

My body tenses and when I don't say anything I know she knows that it didn't go well. "Guess it's not basic things anymore, huh?" She says in a low voice. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, Riley." I say and kiss her head.

She runs her thumb across my hand and we stay like that. In comfortable silence, just the two of us.

I FINALLYYYYY UPDATEEED!! I know I said that during the week I was gonna update more often but I guess I really enjoyed my mini vacation.

I'm really sorry I didn't update all week I feel really bad. I'm gonna try to update at least once a day. Thanks for all my followers!

See you on the next chapter!

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