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Lucas's pov

My head shoots up as everything starts to tremble and shake, reminding me of an earth quake.

Adrenaline rushes through my body as my fight or flight reflexes kick in.

My blanket covered body tighten up, automatically locking around the alien holding me.

My eyes dart in every direction as i try to make sense of what is happening.

what is that noise?

where am i?

How did i get here?

why is everything shaking?

Questions cloud my brain as the shaking of the ship(?) intesivies for a moment before it suddenly stops with a loud thud, also making my body lunch forward.

If it wasnt for the alien holding me I would of went flying down the corridor.

The soft cooing noise that left the alien made my head snap in it direction.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion and my face slightly pinches in frustration as i take in how slow my brain feels in the moment, making my head feel stuffy and heavy.

A huff of frustration leaves my as I take noice of the heaviness that surrounds my entire body, not just my head.

With a slight shake of my head I blink my eyes before connecting them to the aliens that is holding me.

My head cocks to the side as I take in the lack of anxiety that is almost always riddling my insides.

I continue to stare into its soul sucking eyes giving my not-so-coopering brain connect the dot.

I must of had a panic attack. I muse before taking a look around.

Not being able to stand the glaring white of my surroundings I rest my head against the alien before allowing myself to give in to the heaviness of my eyes.

I unconsciously hum as the gently sway of the walking alien lulls me into to a secure sleep, being to out of it to question where they are taking me.


I let out a silent yet jaw breaking yawn as I slowly wake up from my nap.

Still dazed from sleep I let out a pleasurable hum as I stretch my body as far as it would go before curling in on myself.

I sleepily rub my eyes with a slight fist before dragging my eyes over my surroundings.

My heart rate starts to pick up as I take in the dozen of undeniable creatures surrounding me.

Without so much of a thought my body tenses up before throwing itself into the wall.

Adrenaline rushes through my reins while my eyes skittishly dart around my surroundings.

My breathing gets heavy and my eyes start to sting when one by one multiple eyes turn to me making my chest heave in panic.

The hairs on the back of my heck rise in almost a warning as something comes towards me.

I instinctively flinch before diving under the blanket, no part of my shaking body exposed.

A familiar cooing sound reaches over my laboured heavy breathing making me whimper as relief fills my body.

Even with knowing what is picking up my body I still tense and curl into myself more.

I take a couple of minutes to close my eyes letting myself be surrounded by darkness, pretending that I'm not in a room filled with strange/ dangerous alien and creatures.

Just when I start to get my breathing under control I feel a slight pat on my head before my blanket gets lifted.

With my body still tightly curled into a ball I nervously squint at the sudden brightness before locking eyes into a familiar black.

My breath hitches as I once again hear the familiar coo that brings tears to my eyes.

With my emotions so close to the surface due to my sudden panic and loss of adrenaline I throw my stiff body at him, trying to huddle behind him.

Luckily the pale alien was sitting down or I would of probably injured myself.

I let my shaking body relax when Mr. Alien pulls my into my lap with a strange gurgle before shaking his thin head.

He looks down at me and lets out one of those comforting coos when he sees me looking at him before ehe start petting me.

My body droops with exhaustion, not really surprising me due to the constant stress i have been in the past couple of days.

As hand reflexly goes to my leg to contently tap, I notice three things:

1. My blanket is no longer covering me.

2. Im luckily wearing some kind of shorts, covering what needs to be covered.

3. My legs feel naturally soft.

Lazily I lift my head from where it was resting on the alien and look down at my legs.

I blink one, then twice and then another before realising that what i am seeing is true.

All the hair that was once covering my legs? gone.

I slowly let my fingers caress my legs while I look on in astonishment.

My body lightly bounces making my look up from my legs to the creatures lap I am currently occupying. My lips form a pout when I realise he must be laughing at me again.

Aliens are mean. I grumble to myself.

Ignoring him, I go back to exploring my body.

My head cocks when I take notice that every hair from my nose and down seems to be missing, leaving extremely soft skin behind.

I let my fingers glide over my chin lost in thought, stroking the now soft surface making me wonder if I will ever get facial hair again. Not like I had any to begin with.

Shaking my head I decide to sit up, staying in the aliens lap for safety reason, before letting my eyes glance around the room(?) again.

 Now that I am calmed down I am able to take note that most of the creatures are chained up or don't look to interested with me. Ignoring everyone/thing I finally take a look around the room(?).

My eyebrows furrow with confusion when I take in how much other sickly pale aliens are in the room, most seem to be guarding the room or a pacific creature but a few of them seem to be petting and interacting with them.

Like one of them it doing to me.

Ignoring that thought, my eyes dart to the end of the room when a flash of light catches my attention.

My eyes slowly widen when I realise what it is.

Its a window, but thats not what catches my attention.

No, what outside the room does.

My breath slightly catches in my throat as i take in the unnatural blue tinted sky and the red sand? mud?

Just as I'm about to take a closer look at the moving image of the planet, the vehicle(?) we are occupying comes to a smooth stop.

Times seems to stand still for a few seconds until a short beeping is sounded, making me anxiously gulp as everything starts to move once again.


I don't like doing theses but I thought I should let you all know. My laptop is a piece a crap and finds it funny for the keys 's' 'w' and 'x' to randomly stop working, especially the x key. This is a warning for the times some words don't make any sense as it may be due to me stupid laptop.


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