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Gallant's POV

Quickly finishing my food, I make my way towards the wet room to give my body a clean before drying and putting on new coverings, making sure to pick some for Red as welll.

Next I fill a skin sack with supply's to take with us, including a bottle of water for Red, some of his toys and the bag of treats.

Checking my wrist scanner I notice we still have time until we are expected at the vets.

Deciding to walk instead of taking the Tube I got to collect the leash I bought, placing them with the coverings.

Not thinking I needed anything else I tie the skin sack around my midsections, attaching it at my shoulder before gathering the things I needed to get my little ooman ready.

A smile automatically lights up my face as I see Red playing with the toys I bought him while obediently sitting in his nest.

"Red" I call out to him placing his coverings down next to me.

"Come" I command deciding to make this an leaning experience.

"Red, come" I repeat, pointing to the floor at my feet.

It doesn't take long my smart little boy to understand what I want, making his way towards before stopping at the place I was originally pointing at.

"Good boy" I coo at his, making sure to ruffle his mane.

Reaching into the skin sag I bring out the bag of treats, making sure to give him one of them as I wanted to teach him another trick.

"Sit" I command once I saw he had finished eating it.

Starting at me Red does nothing as I repeat the command.

"Sit" I order him, this time point at the floor.

I try a couple of more time but this only seems to confuse my pet as he only got closer to me.

Sighing I crouch down to his leave before commanding his to sit once again, forcing his small body into the position I expected.

"Good boy" I praise him along with giving him a treat, even though I showed him what I wanted.

"Up" I command, lifting my finger upwards.

Even though I had only just introduced the new command, Red jumped straight to his feet, looking up at me to make sure he did it right.

"Good boy!" I exclaim with a huge smile on my face, giving him an extra treat seen as he did it on his first try.

"Sit" I order after giving it a brief thought making Red almost immediately rush to do as I commanded.

"You're such a Good boy Red!" I praise while I scoop him into my arms, kissing all over his face making him giggle in delight.

Placing him back down to his feet I give him a smile and hand him the bag of treats, hoping to distract him as I remembered how he reacted to me seeing him without any coverings on.

Quickly pulling down his night covering I coax him into stepping out of him as I was once again reminded on why I named him Red.

Lightly chucking I watch as he tries to hid behind the bag on treats as I pull his new coverings over his smooth legs before pressing the button that moulds the small cloth against his body.

Placing his on my lap I watch as he eats another one of his treats making me realise he probably had more than what is considered healthy.

I gently remove the bag from his fingers, ignoring the wide eye pout he gives me as he watches me place them into the skin sag attached to my chest.

Shaking my head with a smile I pick up the strange looking comb that I remembered getting at the store and softly using the devise through his mane, feeling his body real against mine.

With a quick look at my wrist panel I notice we should leave soon if we want to make it to Reds vet appointment.

I run the device through his now soft mane a couple of more time before bringing him to his feet and attaching the leach to his collar

Cooing at Reds adorable confused face I take my end of the leash into my hand, gently tugging at it to get him moving.

Walking forward I scan my wrist against the hidden panel, unlocking and opening the door to the outside world.

Hearing a frightened whimper from behind me I instantly turn around to see Red huddled at the door, seeming to anxious to leave the house.

"Come, Red" I softly command at my shaking pet, making a mental note to speak to the vet about ways to not make him so scared and anxious all the time.

With a concerned frown on my face I watch as Red fights with his emotions to respond to my command making me immediately sweep him into my arms when he listens.

"Good boy" I whisper softly into his mane, feeling his shake in my arms.

Deciding that carrying him wasn't going to do any harm I continued on my journey with thoughts of letting him walk some of it on his own when he has calmed enough.

Not long were we passing through a park with different being leading all kinds of creatures on a leash, some even playing with others of their kind.

My fingers gently run through Reds mane in a silent praise as I feel him lifting his head from my shoulder to have a look around only to hide again when an angry Zmeu growls at him.

Lightly rubbing the oomans back I watch as the Zmeu's owner smacks its nose in obvious punishment.

Once we are further away from the civilians I gently place Red back onto his feet, knowing it wasn't much of a longer walk to the vets and with a somewhat tight hold onto the loop of the leash we continued towards our destination.

Smiling to myself I come to a stop not to far away from the vets after checking how long we have until Reds appointment, letting him explore his surroundings.

I watch in amusement at the facial expressions he pulls as he looks, smells, and touches the natural things the planet brings.

Laughter bubbles up my throat when my pet stumbles back in shock, landing on his back as one of the land creatures awakens at his touch.

Shaking my head I bring him into my arms and after checking his over for any injuries, I make my way towards the building that hold the vets all while cooing over how adorable he is.

A/N suffering from writers block so I'm not sure if there will be a chapter out on Monday

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