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Lucas's POV

My breath catches with a slight gasp as i am once again suddenly airborne.

I try to blink away the dizziness that clouds my vision due to the unexpected movement.

Feeling scared and exposed to the creatures and unfamiliar environment, I flip my body around and cling to the Alien holding me, tucking my head underneath their chin

Hiding my face in their neck to give me a moment to compose myself before I slowly peak one eye open to see what is happening.

The tall boney sickly pale looking aliens seem to be the ones in charge as the sort everyone into a line leading to a door i assume leads outside.

Upon further observation it seems to be the most dangerous creatures at the front of the line, each with one to two armed aliens by their side, even though each one looks to be heavily chained.

As my eyes work their way down the line I start to notice the alien that is carrying me is carrying me the opposite way from the exit.

While that makes my shoulders slump in relief from not being anywhere near the ones that look like they could kill me from a single look its also somewhat hurts what is left of my ego.

Clearing the thoughts of my bruised ego I try to focus on what is happening around me but it gets harder to focus the more we travel down the line.

My entire face flushes in embarrassment as the alien continues to walk until we are at the very end of the line.

The strange cooing noise that emits from the alien only makes my cheeks heat up further.

I quickly hide my face back into the aliens neck when the creature in front of us turns their head in out direction, hearing the coo from the alien.

With what small of a look I got, I could tell the thing infant of us could pass as a human. That is if you got rid of their cat ears and fluffy tail.

I once again get distracted as the doors are opened and the line starts to move forward making my heart speed up and unconsciously cling to the one holding me.

Being at the end of the line it take a good ten minutes until we are almost out of the door, during this time my nerves get over run by the curiosity that is so big I'm surprised it isn't spilling out of me.

The more curious i get the harder it is to sit still and wait, proven by the squirming I can't help but do in the aliens arms.

Just as I start to consider jumping out of the pale creatures arms just to get there fast, my attention is taken by the fast swishing of a dark fluffy tail.

My head cocks and the closer we get to the door, the faster the tail swishes temporally memorising me.

I am so focused of watching the tail that I jump from the loud hissing sound that emits from the tails owner.

Snapping my head up in the direction of the noise am I meet with two glowing green slitted eyes glaring at me making me once again flinch.

My heart rate picks up as flashes of all the time my brother and his friends has glared at me and what has happened afterwards.

As I listen to the gurgling noises that seem to be shouting at the strange human looking kitten, my shaking hands follow the familiar path down to my leg before starting a soothing tap.

Focusing on the rhythmic tapping I was luckily able to calm my self down enough before we stepped outside into an entirely different world. 

My breath hitched as I feel the warm air again my skin.

Turning my gaze onto the view in front of me, my eyes widen as my mouth slowly opens in awe.

The sky is blue but not anywhere near the same colour as earth, this one almost has a purple tint to it making it contrast with the orangey red ground.

From where we were standing I couldn't see much plants but from what I could tell there was a patch of tall, seaweed like grass that swayed in tune with the wind.

Unfortunately we started to move making me my gaze away from the beautiful place they call home.

With a stuttering breath I close my eyes and take a deep inhale the fresh air, ignoring the now muzzled cat eared human.

Once again resting my head on the aliens shoulder I take a moment to savour the view, not knowing when or if I will ever see it again before manning up and seeing where everyone was being lead to.

With a quick glance backwards help solved a couple of unanswered questions as I see a wingless airplane like pod lift from the ground before flying and attaching itself onto the biggest ship I have ever seen.

Feeling nervous whip my head back around just in time to see us entering a large building.

I cling to the creature carrying me as many aliens turn their gaze on me they start to coo and fuss over me making the blood drain from my face at the sear size of some of them.

I left out a frightened whimper as one of them gets far to close for comfort, my heart feeling like it as about to burst from my chest as the alien holding me shift me in its arms making me feel like he was passing me over to one of the scarier looking creatures.

with a panicked cry I jump and with all the strength I could muster, hold on to the familiar alien, my nails digging into his cold skin.

Hearing my cry, many of the surrounding aliens immediately back off while others frantically try to comfort me, wanting to know whats wrong.

Just when one look like they were about to take me into their arms, a dozen or so of the bony looking aliens suddenly surround me and the one carrying, angrily gurgling at the crowd.

Feeling extremely overstimulated and scared I instantly start crying, feeling too anxious and overwhelmed to feel embarrassed.

Thankfully the alien, who's arm I am still fortunately in, quickly rejoins the line of different creatures, only a few remaining as the more dangerous ones where taken somewhere else.

My eyes start to droop as I watch the creatures in front of me get separated into suitable cage, some being caged with others of their on species while the majority seem to be placed individually.

Forcing my eyes to stay open a little longer I was relived to see It was my turn as one of the aliens open the cages door while the one holding me walks in.

without much hesitation, almost likes he's done this many of times before, the alien that has been comforting me since I was abducted gently places me on another nest like bed before dropping a warm heavy blanket on top on me.

And with a light coo, he leaves me. Making me wonder if I will ever see him again.

Not wanting to deal with anything at the moment I let my body sink into the before giving up on the fight of sleep.

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