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The train ride surprisingly went fairly quickly

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The train ride surprisingly went fairly quickly. Rosaleé spent her time listening to the two strange boys babble about Hogwarts and their other two friends she was yet still to meet. By the end of the journey she was sure her eyes were going to get stuck due to the amount of times she had rolled them at Sirius flirtatious banter. And although the thought of getting with Sirius was something the girl was considering she quickly took note that he wasn't really her type. Not that really mattered to her.

The September air caused her to shiver as she walked over towards the row of carriages. Her thin t shirt not creating much warmth or insolation. Rosaleé had lost sight of Sirius and Peter and just following the mass of students.

"Rosa! Over here!" Peter squeaked beckoning her over to the carriages where they were sitting. "Here".
Peter held his hand out helping Rosaleé step onto the carriage without falling. The girl took it graciously and placed a chaste kiss to his cheek, leaving an imprint of her lipstick on his cheek. The boy smiled shyly while his face reddened.
Behind him she heard some snickering. Flickering her gaze to behind the small boy she had failed to notice that two more boys had joined them. The girl assumed that they were the two boys Sirius and Peter had mentioned previously.

"Lads this is-" Sirius was half way through his sentence before he was interrupted by the boy next to him with circular glasses.

"Rosaleé Devaux?!"

The girl flinched at his high pitch squeal.

"Merlin, why does everyone have the same reaction and why is it so painful to watch?" 

"I'm James Potter" the boy introduced himself confidently smirking "Godric! Your brothers Luis Devaux isn't he? I'm such a big fan of him! His performance at the world cup was fucking amazing. And your dads the French Minister isn't he?"

The girl giggled at the overwhelmed boy that nearly fell off his seat in excitement.

"Yeah something like that" Rosa replied with a smug look on her face.

"James mate, you look like you're gonna piss yourself out of excitement. Calm down" Rosaleé's attention was suddenly redirected to the forth boy sat in the corner of the carriage, who, as he spoke lifted his head from the book he was reading. The boy was the tallest out of all of them with soft brown hair that was messily blowing in the autumn wind. The girl studied him as he tugged on the sleeves of his fraying knitted jumper, while an amused grin appeared across his face as he watched his friends interact with the girl. His smile was gentle, as she studied him more. It was evident the boy had plenty of scars littered across his body. Rosaleé thought it was unusual, but she liked unusual.

"Remus Lupin" he announced failing to meet the girls eyes as her attention had turned towards him.

"Well it's nice to meet to all" she smiled "well all of you minus Sirius"


The quater Veela took a seat next to Peter and Remus. It was quite the squeeze as the carriage was only made for four people. Tucked into the boys side she inwardly shivered from the cold. Subconsciously she shuffled closer to Remus' warm knitted jumper. The action didn't go unnoticed by the boy but he seemed to let her do so with a pink blush across his nose as he glanced back down at his book awkwardly.


Rosaleé has finally met all four marauders!
I'm really enjoying writing this story atm.

As school off I've gotten into a routine of writing this book in the morning and 'heart of saint, life of a sinner' in the evenings.

Even though we've only seen Rosa's group of friends for only a chapter and I bit i still feel I'm going to miss writing them for a while.

Anyways!!! Hope you're enjoying

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