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The train ride back from Hogwarts passed in a flurry of laugher, jokes and sweets and soon enough Rosaleé was stood on the platform of 9 3/4 looking for her father

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The train ride back from Hogwarts passed in a flurry of laugher, jokes and sweets and soon enough Rosaleé was stood on the platform of 9 3/4 looking for her father. Spotting him towards the back of the crowd she pushed her way through, her trunk that Lily had packed dragging behind her.

"Hey dad" she waved nearing him

"Hey Rosa" he replied bringing her into a quick hug and ruffling her hair.

"Can you not? I have a rep to uphold here" she smirked. The french minister only scoffed amused at his daughter.

"I was going to say that I missed you but I'm starting to second guess myself" he chuckled. Rosaleé was about to retort when she heard the voice of Sirius shout over the sea of heads.

"Hey Rosa! Remember to write to us!" he waved briskly as he and James disappeared into the mass of people.

"Who were they?"

"Just some Idiots" Rosaleé laughed, looking at her fathers confused face.

"Anyway let's get going home" he said placing a hand on her shoulder and apparating into their manner.

The foyer to her house, was decorated elegantly with a range of silver and cream Christmas decorations. A large Christmas tree stood proudly in the centre, towering above the two stair cases winding up to her bedroom, its lights twinkling softly.

"How about you make your way up to your room to get settled while we get ready for dinner. Luis is coming over in a bit to join us"

Rosaleé dragged her trunk up the stairs, clanking as she went denying the house elves help as she was a "strong independent woman who could carry her own heavy luggage up the stairs". She finally reached her bedroom door and flung the door open gasping for breath. "This gives me deja vu" she laughed to herself, thinking back to the time she had to climb the stairs to Madam Maxine's office. 


Rosaleé let out a screech at the sudden sound.

"You started early!"

"You were supposed to wait for the signal"

"Oh er surprise I guess?!"

"Welcome home!"

Rosaleé stood there utterly dumbfounded. Before her stood Georgine, Emilie and Cecile, all in silly poses with jazz hands grinning at Rosa.

"What the fuck?!" Rosaleé gasped as a smile broke out onto her face.

"We missed you!" Cecile sung jumping into Rosaleés arms and clinging on tight while the other girls joined the hug.

"How was Hogwarts?"

"Did you make any better friends? Doubt it"

"Any hot boys?"

The girls spluttered out their questions one after another barely giving Rosaleé time to register them.

"Woah woah I have no idea that's happening here. Slow down"

"Yeah good idea. No ones seemed to mention the fact Rosa was talking to herself when she walked in" Georgine pointed out "that's the first sign of madness" she whispered in Emilies ear as she rolled her eyes.

"It seems you girls have already gone mad without me" Rosa glanced over them bemused.

"Oh my merlin! It's been a nightmare! Even more than usual!" Emilie sighed "now you're gone me and Cecile always get dragged into Georgies shit"

"Excuse you?" Georgine gasped offended as Cecile giggled at her dramatics.

"How did you psychos get into my room anyway?" Rosa asked curiously.

"Your dad let us in, he says we can stay over the holidays" Cecile answered flopping on Rosaleés bed.

"We've already put our things in our rooms" said Emilie.

The size of the Devaux manner was highly unnecessary and had many spare rooms for guests. Andre Devaux had worked tirelessly to provide for his two children and being an only parent forced him to create a good life for his family, leading him to become The French Minister Of Magic. On top of her fathers high position in the french wizarding community the Devaux family had the income of Luis Quidditch and Rosaleés modelling meaning that the family were never short for money.

Georgine, Emilie and Cecile was lucky enough to have their own room at the manner. Considering they were there enough for it to be their own house, but usually they all slept in Rosaleés bed together.

The girls were called downstairs for dinner, where they were met with her father and Luis who she gave a brief hug to as the affection towards her brother made them both internally cringe.
The table was quite as the girls stuffed their faces with the food laid out in front of them.

"So dad, how's work?" Rosaleé asked genuinely curious. Andre Devaux seemed utterly burnt out.
You could see the strain of the impending war was having on the man.

"Busy" he replied "lots of meetings and deals. The numbers of attacks have been going up, Aurors are starting to become overwhelmed at the Ministry. Nothing that can't be sorted out though" he weakly smiled to his daughter, trying to reassure her.

The topic changed to much lighter topics such as how the girls were at Beauxbatons and Luis' Quidditch and how Rosaleé was settling in at Hogwarts, for some reason she failed to mention the incident with Snape. It must of slipped her mind.


Two chapters in one day, phew

When you don't have the Marauders... replace them with Georgine, Emilie and Cecile.

Love those girls from the bottom of my heart. I always end up writing them with the same personalities as my friendship group which is funny for me to read through.

Sorry this chapters not that great :/

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