Chapter Five

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Skye couldn’t find herself falling asleep. Every time she attempted to fall asleep, memories of her and Chase flooded her mind. She had remembered moments when they used to play, such as the time where they were playing tag and Chase tagged her on the nose and she returned the gesture. She remembered moments when they were either singing together, like the time they sang the Easter Song, the Christmas song, and her personal favorite, the Friendship Song, where she nuzzled Chase and he didn’t seem to care. She remembered moments during missions they had like the one they had not long ago when Chase and Skye had to save Chickaletta in the mountains from an eagle.

After an hour of laying in her bed, she decided that she needed to try something else to fall asleep. She walked outside quietly, cautious not to wake up the others. She walked over to the cliff’s edge that overlooked that bay and sat down. That spot was Chase’s favorite place to be. Sometimes, when she couldn’t fall asleep, she would look outside and see Chase in that exact spot. She would walk up to him to see what he was doing and realize that he was just sitting there with his eyes closed. He would stay there with nothing except his thoughts.

One time she had asked him what he was thinking about. “Many things,” Chase replied. “Some good, some bad. I am just trying to clear my mind. I need to figure out how to lead this team better.”

“But you’re doing a great job,” Skye had said.

“Thank you, but ‘great’ just won’t cut it. I need to do my best. If I am not at my best during missions, the entire mission and the team can be at risk. I cannot allow myself to let Ryder, or the team for that matter, down in that way,” Chase had explained. “I just can’t.”

Hearing these words come out of Chase’s mouth gave Skye mixed emotions. She was sad because she didn’t want Chase to feel like he wasn’t doing enough when he was doing more than enough. It also made her a warm feeling because she couldn’t believe that Chase cared so much about the team, he would lose sleep trying to find a way to make sure the team is out of harm’s way. She felt determined and motivated. She wanted to try harder so that Chase knows that he is doing an excellent job leading the team.

They talked until Skye started falling asleep and Chase, being the caring pup he is, carried Skye back to her puphouse. Chase placed the sleepy cockapoo back on her bed and made sure she was comfortable by placing a blanket over her. Skye had one eye slightly open when she saw Chase going back to the same spot before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Skye was just so happy to know that the Paw Patrol had Chase as their leader. She just couldn’t imagine a world without him in it. She was lost in her thoughts when a husky came up to Skye and sat next to her.

“What are you doing up so late?” Everest asked.

Hearing this made Skye flinch. “What…Oh it’s just you,” Skye exclaimed. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

Everest blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry,” she exclaimed. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I know you didn’t and no worries.”

“But what are you doing up here so late at night? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”

Skye blushed and looked away from the husky. She kept silent, fearing that if she said anything, she might reveal too much. “Couldn’t sleep,” she said at last.

Everest looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “You’re my best friend, Skye,” Everest said. “I know when you’re hiding something from me. What’s wrong?”

“I guess I’m just worried about Chase,” Skye replied. 

“We all are,” Everest explained. “But don’t worry, we will find him. He is going to be fi…”

“It’s not just that. It goes further than that.” Skye examined the horizon. The bay was calm that night.

Everest tilted her head. “What do you mean, Skye?” she asked, trying to squeeze the truth out.

Skye sighed. She wanted to get this pressure off her shoulders. It was hard for her to hide secrets from the team, especially from her best friend. She also knew that if anyone would understand, it would be Everest. “The truth is that I think I like Chase,” she confessed.

This shocked Everest. “You like Chase? Like, like-like?”

“I know, it seems wrong to have feelings for my leader, but I just can’t help it.”

“Since when?”

“I realized it only recently, but I am pretty sure I have liked him ever since he saved me and I joined the Paw Patrol.” Everest nodded since she knew how Chase had saved Skye on the day that she joined the Paw Patrol. “I like him a lot, Everest. I just can’t live in a world without him in it. The way that he is so caring and gentle, despite being the strongest of us all. The way he takes his job seriously, yet still finds a way to have fun all the time. The way his perfect fur blends in with those gorgeous amber eyes. It just makes me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach.”

“That's so beautiful,” Everest said, smiling at her lovesick friend. “I am so happy for you.”

“I am not sure if happiness describes how I feel. I don’t know if he sees me the same way, and it’s killing me on the inside.” Skye said. “I mean, why would he like me?”

“I understand what you’re going through. I’m kinda in the same spot myself.” Everest looked over her shoulder to make sure that no one was there. She looked back at the cockapoo. “But trust me, Chase is sure to like you back. There is no way he can’t. You’re so happy all the time. You’re always moving around and having fun. I have never seen you in a bad mood. Not only that, but you are extremely beautiful. If Chase can’t see that, the problem is with him and not you.”

Skye hugged Everest. “Thank you, Everest, I needed that.”

“Anytime, Skye,” Everest replied. “If you ever need help, you know where to find me.” Everest started walking back to her puphouse.

“Okay, and one more thing,” Skye said.

Everest stopped and turned around. “What’s up?”

“What do you mean by you’re ‘kinda in the same spot’ and all? You like someone as well?”

Everest simply smiled and said, “Goodnight Skye,” and she kept on walking to her puphouse. Skye looked over the edge of the cliff one last time and left for her puphouse. She held Chase’s hat in her paws and laid down on her bed. She fell asleep not too long after.

Pups Save Chase-A Paw Patrol StoryWhere stories live. Discover now