Chapter Sixteen

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Ryder embraced his dad in a hug. “Hey Dad, I missed you.”

“Me too, kiddo,” Justin replied. They released each other. Justin rubbed his hands together as something to keep his hands busy. “So, uh, what was this about some thieves.”

“Oh, yeah. These guys right here,” Ryder said. He pointed to the four people that were now sitting on a bench. Mayor Goodway was right next to the bench, tapping her foot on the floor.

“You’re Mayor Goodway, right?” Justin asked.

“Yep, that’s me,” Mayor Goodway replied.

“Nice to meet you, Mayor. I am Ryder’s dad, Chief Justin,” he stated. He looked back at his son. “So what exactly happened here.”

“So, it started a couple of days ago,” Ryder started. Ryder explained the original mission, and then the alarm. He stated how Chase went in after the thieves, caught Jack in the museum, but the others got away. He told his dad how Chase went after them, got lost, and found his way back just in time to stop them. The entire time, his dad was just nodding, showing that was listening and understanding.

He looked down at Chase. “Well, I’m glad to hear that you are okay, and I’m impressed by how well you faced the problem.”

“Thank you, Justin, sir,” Chase said.

Justin was shocked by the statement. “Sir? Polite, brave, and strong. Why you’re just like your parents and brothers. They used to call me ‘sir’ all the time.” He smiled, but his smile soon faded after noticing how Chase was uncomfortable. “Oh, um, I’m sorry, Chase. I didn’t mean to have that taken the wrong way. I am sorry if I caused any pain.”

Chase exhaled deeply. “It’s...It’s okay, sir...I’m okay.” It stayed quiet for a minute.

“Um, so what about the thieves?” Justin asked.

“Right,” Ryder said, ready to change the subject. “These are the four thieves. Their names are John, Cash, Leo, and Cassie.” Ryder pointed at each one as he said their names.

“Well, then. I…” Justin got interrupted by one of the other police officers. The police officer held a tablet in his hands.

“Sir, you need to look at this,” he told the chief as he showed him the screen. Leo gulped in the background.

After a minute of the two talking, Justin said, “Well, we got some new information. These four are the thieves that have been hitting multiple banks, museums, even gas stations. We have been searching for them for months. Thank you, Paw Patrol. Now, all we need is their buyer. We know they have a client, but we don’t know who.”

“I might be able to help you with that,” Chase said.

The chief tilted his head. “How so?”

“Our friends here, of course,” Chase explained. “Their client was supposed to meet them up at the cabins this morning.”

“Then we should go over there right now.”

“Not so easy, it’s a two-hour trip. But what I was thinking is having one of them contact the client and have them come by the Town Hall.”

“And stop them right here. That’s genius.” Justin said. “We got it from here. Thank you, Paw Patrol. And thank you, Chase. I have no doubt your father would be proud of you.”

Chase slightly blushed. “Thank you, sir.”

Chase and Ryder got onto their vehicles. Ryder promised to go visit his parents soon and they headed off to the Lookout. When they got there, the other pups were playing with a soccer ball, passing it from one to the other. When Chase and Ryder pulled up, they stopped playing and smiled.

Pups Save Chase-A Paw Patrol StoryWhere stories live. Discover now