Chapter Seventeen

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Chase couldn’t believe what he was seeing. In front of him stood his family. His father, Max, looked precisely like Chase, only older and more mature. His mother, Sonya, was a german shepherd as well, but she had white fur and grey eyes, like the calm before and after a storm. Chase got all his physical traits from his dad, but his brothers got from both of them. His two older brothers were named Armor and Swift. Armor was bigger and stronger than Swift. He had stormy grey eyes and his snout held a light grey color. His body was black, but his underbelly and paws were brown. Swift was different from Armor in almost every aspect. Swift was not as strong, but he was faster. He resembled Chase, but his left ear and left eye were white. His tail was split perfectly in the middle, the right side being white and the left side being a hazel brown color. His eyes were dark brown.

“Chase?” his dad asked as he walked up to the young pup. “Is that really you?”

“Dad?!” Chase asked. His eyes fluttered from one of them to the other.

“Yes, Chase, it’s me.”

Chase ran over to his dad and wrapped his hands around his waist. Chase hugged his dad and realized that it was, in fact, his dad. He had the same texture, a short layer of fur. He had the same smell and Chase felt the same feeling, a feeling of comfort and protection when he was around his dad. He looked up at Max’s face. “But how? I thought you guys were…”

“We are, Chase,” Max replied.

“Wait, does that mean I’m dead?”

“Oh, no, sweetheart,” his mom said. She came in closer and held him in her arms. “You are still alive.” She stroked the back of his head with her paw. 

“Then how come I can see you guys? And how come we are here?” Chase asked, waving his arm at the lake. He had so many questions. He narrowed the questions down to a single one. “How is this even possible?”

“Chase, I am not sure about the lake. It must be a memory of yours.” His dad said, looking out at the lake. “And that’s what we are. We’re just in your mind and heart. You’re still at the cliff.”

“But that doesn’t mean we aren’t there for you.” Armor said, stepping up. “We will always be there for you.”

“And that will never change as long as you have us in your heart,” Swift added. They were now surrounding Chase.

Chase thought about this. “I wish you guys were here. I mean, I wish you guys were alive.”

“I know Chase, but no one could have prevented the explosion.” Chase knew that it was true. 

Years ago, Chase lived with his family, Marshall’s family, and Ryder’s family. His entire family had been part of the police force. His dad and mom used to be marines, that’s how they met. Chase was too young to join, but he was always for the day he could join his family. One day, all four of them, as well as Ryder’s dad, had been called for a mission. Justin was their chief, just how Ryder was to the Paw Patrol. There was a crossfire between a group of terrorists and the police. The terrorists had been killed or captured, so they went to check up on the terrorist’s base for information. Little did they know that the terrorist intended that to happen. Once the police had entered the building, the entire building exploded. Justin was not yet at the doorway, so he was just launched backward onto the grass with little injuries, but Chase’s family was inside when the building exploded. After the explosion, the building collapsed into itself, killing everyone inside. His family was named a family of heroes. That day, Chase has vowed to avenge his family, not by going after the terrorists who caused their deaths, but by never giving up and always trying his best.

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