Chapter Five

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I awaken slowly, enjoying the peacefulness of knowing that I didn't have to begin my day standing beneath the sweaty armpits of complete strangers as I made my way to work during the delights of rush hour. Instead, I could wake up when I wanted to, wear what I wanted, roam about the city at my own will . . .

Hmm . . .

This is going to be a strange month for me and to be honest I already feel a bit out of sorts. Despite the early mornings and the fight for a seat on the underground, I didn't mind the routine. I like knowing how my day was going to go.

I'm definitely not one for spontaneity. Just last night the boys decided they were going to head into town and invited me along, but I'd had to refuse. By that point it was already eleven o'clock in the evening and I was warm and cosy in my pyjamas and I'm not sure what has to occur to make me change out of them and leave the house but whatever it is, it hasn't happened so far. (Maybe if Michael Bublé was spotted doing his shopping in my local Tesco Express, then I might have been tempted.)

I sink back into my pillow and try to assemble the fragments of the dream I'd been having just before I woke. I can't remember much except for a pair of startlingly blue eyes staring at me from across a darkened room and I can recall that I was trying to get close to them, but every time I was near to reaching them, some sort of obstacle kept holding me back.

That must mean something significant, surely? I've never had a dream like that before. Standing in my underwear in a crowded room, sure, but not one like this.

I jump out of bed and grab a book from my shelf, flicking through the pages until I find the one I was looking for.

What does it mean to see blue eyes in a dream?

Looking into blue eyes but not seeing the face is a symbol of protection of the highest powers; the dreamer will be successful in his/her projects.

A bolt of electricity flashes through my stomach and I read on, leaving my room as I did so.

The blue eyes in your dream represent a growing optimism over your own abilities and in who you are as a person.

Well, if that's not meant to be, I don't know what is.

But those eyes . . . I want to remember who they belonged to. I'd definitely seen them before.

'Ah, the wonderer finally wakes.'

I look up to find Ben and Isaac huddled together on the sofa, both looking rather worse for wear with a coffee clutched in their hands and they stare after me as I potter my way through to the kitchenette.

'How is it that we've managed to wake up before you?' Ben continues. 'This sabbatical is going to make you a layabout, Miss Dorothy.'

'Very funny.' I roll my eyes as I boil the kettle, turning my back on them to pop a bagel in the toaster. 'I couldn't get to sleep last night, and I blame you.'

'And how was it my fault, may I ask?'

'It was that man, the moody one, I can't get over how rude he was. And I only met him because I came in to see you. Can't say he was too happy about that, was he? Do you know he had the cheek to ask me to promote the restaurant for free in my article?'

'Doesn't surprise me one bit. I said he was awful.' Ben scoffs in indignation, turning to Isaac with an 'I told you so' expression. 'You're going to have to pop in later and meet him. So long as you promise not to fall in love with him that is. He may be pretty but just remember the guy probably posts gym selfies on his Instagram account. Unacceptable.'

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