Chapter Seven

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I bat languidly at the air with one hand, not bothering to remove my eye mask as I wonder how in the world an incessant bee could have made it into my room, I guess I must have left a window cracked open, but I wish it would just bugger off so I can get back to sleep. I'm exhausted and my head feels like it's being sucked through a vacuum.


There it goes again.

If only I had the energy to get up and shoo it out the window, but I don't think my body will co-operate if I try to stand. My legs feel limp and heavy on the bed and intense pain is pulsating through my stomach, so much so I fear that if I move, I'll be sick.

I must have eaten something funny last night. Maybe I've caught food poisoning? I'd had it once before when mum bought me a hotdog from a dodgy looking street seller years ago and I'd had to miss a few days of school I'd been that unwell. This definitely feels the same.

But the funny thing is, I can't remember eating anything for dinner last night.

To be honest, I don't remember much of the evening at all. I know Isaac and I went to see Ben at the restaurant and had a couple of drinks but from there on out it all goes a bit foggy . . .

More importantly though, why the hell am I still wearing my dress?


That's it. A sick tummy or not, I'm taking that aggravating little blight down.

I throw the duvet off me and whip off my mask in a fit of rage, but I regret it at once. The curtains were left wide open and I was instantly blinded by the sun pouring into the room and as I flail around with manic arms. My eyes blink rapidly, trying to dispel the piercing light shooting straight through to my soul.

I jump out of bed and stumble on shaky legs, somehow making it to the window and draw them firmly shut, rubbing my hands against my temples in an attempt to soothe the pounding inside my head. All I long to do is crawl back under the covers, hide in the dark and ignore the world for the rest of the day but I think with remorse about how much I have to do and the guilt overrules my laziness. On top of that, I'm supposed to be calling Diane later to brief her on what I've been up to and as much as I want to skip it I can't, so I need to get my head together sharpish. Hopefully a glass of cold water and a long shower will freshen me up.

I'm reaching for the door handle and am about to open it when-


This time I was ready for it and I dive down to the pile of discarded clothes left on the floor, rifling through them frantically, desperate to locate the culprit and swat it into oblivion but instead of finding the bee, my hand closes around something solid and I pull it out in confusion.

It was a mobile phone and flashing on the screen, one by one, was a barrage of notifications and messages all coming from a dating app I'd heard my friends mention many times before, and I stare at it in horror.

Did I pick up somebody else's phone last night by mistake? Because if that's the case then where on earth was mine?

Groaning outwardly, I throw my head back in despair.

How could I have let this happen? I'm always so careful with my things, especially my phone. It was my lifeline. What am I going to do? Think, Dottie.

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