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The sudden deep voice caused me to flinch, even thought I knew there was a male behind me, but I didn't expect his voice to be so deep.

I turned around nervously. "Hey..." I said, meeting his dark brown orbs that were staring into my soul. I couldn't stop staring at him, seeing a smirk form on his face.

" Take a picture, it will last longer. " The male snapped his fingers in front of me, making me look away from him. He's not different from Park Jimin...

I rolled my eyes at his words. " Not everyone drools over you, deep voice. " I mumbled, what does he think I am? One of his admirers? I turned around and walked away from the school rooftop, making my way to the cafeteria to find my friends, and my brother.

Taehyung's POV

Interesting... He thought, she's the only girl who doesn't drool over me. I walked away from the rooftop and made my way to the cafeteria, going to get some food in my belly.


I sat down next to Hoseok and IU sitting in front of me. I set my lunchbox down in front of me, opening the lid, it contained two sandwiches that my Mother made this morning. Before I could even pick one up, a hand reached out and grabbed one. Making me look up immediately making eye contact with Hoseok, seeing him already finishing half of the sandwich made me a little annoyed.

" Yah! That's mine! How dare you, do you want to die?" I threatened him and he smiled his usual smile before finishing the entire thing, making me sigh. I looked back down at the pathetic sandwich and took a small bite out of it, while glaring at my older brother.

Everyone doesn't know that Hoseok was my brother.

3rd POV

While Y/n was taking small bites of her sandwich, three pairs of eyes were burning into the male beside her. Jealously was burning in their eyes as they watched how close they were.

" You're mine and mine only... " They whispered to themselves, getting up and leaving the cafeteria.


IU smirked and pointed at the three males who were leaving the lunch area, their fists clenched. I diverted my attention to their back and shrugged.

" What about them? " I questioned, IU smirked.

" Don't you know them? They are the three bad boys! Park Jimin, is the playboy or the flirty one. Jeon Jungkook, the youngest and quietest one but he has a lot of muscles, don't mess with him. Lastly, Kim Taehyung, the school heartthrob everyone are head or heels in love with him, they are all enemies though, but don't mess with them or you'll end up in the hospital... "

I laughed silently at the Taehyung part. " School Heartthrob? He isn't even that good looking." I said, smirking as IU sighed softly. " Well, I like him, and he has so many girl fans in this school, sadly I am one of them. " I smiled and ruffled her hair.

" Alright, let's go to class now, I don't want to be late. " I checked my watch before getting up, finishing the sandwich, I put the lid back on and went to my locker putting the box in and grabbed my books.

I went to IU's locker and waited for her while using my phone. Once she was done, we went to class, and I took the seat next to her, it was art class.

The teacher came in and we bowed, I stared at the canvas in front of me and thought of what to draw. I looked around seeing Jungkook, who was next to me already drawing. I opened my mouth in awe, staring at his masterpiece.

" Amazing... " I said without even thinking, making him look at me. " You think so? " He asked while I looked back at my blank canvas, nodding my head in agreement. As I started working on what I am about to do.

" Done... " After an hour, I finally finished painting the school field, making sure it was detailed enough, I let it dry as Jungkook looked at my piece and smiled, nodding his head. "Yours looks good too. " He complimented making me hum in response.

" Thanks... " I looked to my left, seeing IU's painting and laughed quietly. " Stickman?" I asked pointing at the little head, as she pouted. Telling me to shut up. Oblivious to the fact that Jungkook was staring at me, as I was cracking up while looking at IU.

IU smirked, " Don't you think Jungkook likes you? " She asked, making my eyebrows furrowed. " Are you nuts? A plain and ugly potato like me? " She pointed at the male behind me as my back was facing Jungkook, I turned to look at him, seeing him focusing on his canvas, looking back at IU.

"What?" She sighed softly, the bell rang and it was our self study session now. I got up and handed in my canvas before heading to my locker, putting my books in, I grabbed my bag and sling it over my shoulders.

" Babe! " I heard a voice yell from behind, knowing it wasn't directed to me, I shrugged and leaned against my locker waiting for IU.

I see Park Jimin standing in front of me, making me confuse.

" Wha-?"

" Babe! Why didn't you answer me? " He gave me a pout, and I gave him a disgusted look.

" Babe? I am not related to you in anyway or want to be with you, go and call the trash bin that why don't you? Now would you please move aside, shorty. " I said, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

" Why so mean? Plus, I'm taller than you. " He said trying to make a conversation, I see IU and immediately went to her whispering.

" Hey, help me, Park Jimin is annoying me... " I mumbled into her ears as she smirked, and pulled my wrist going to the library. I smiled at her slightly.

I owe you one, I mouthed to her making her nod.

" Y/n! Over here!... " A bright cheery voice sounded.

Three Bad Boys ( Maknae Line Bts ff ) ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now