A Compromise

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"Elizabeth, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Jason said,  his eyes finding themselves focusing on adjusting the paperwork spread over his desk now that she was directly in front from him. "How has your day been?"

"It's been okay." she said with a slight shrug, and taking a seat across from him as he organized the papers into different piles. "How about yours?" she asked, hands still holding at her elbows within her sleeves as she leaned back and crossed one leg over the other, choosing to make herself comfortable while she waited.

"Routine." he said back without looking up, utilizing binder clips to keep the paperwork organized, having four separate piles.

"Ah..." she responded, not really knowing what else to say in response to his short answer and diverting her eyes over to the window to the side of his desk, watching the leaves flicker on a long winding branch from the breeze outside.

"How are your lessons going?" Jason said finally looking up to her after he deposited his now organized papers into a drawer within the heavy oak desk, and order was once again restored.

"I would say well." she responded still being distracted by the window, her mind starting to return to her and Josephs previous conversation in the hallway and not realizing Jason was actually attending to her at the moment.

"And Geoffrey and Joseph are treating you well?" he asked still looking directly at her, watching her absentminded expression as she continued to watch the outside movement through the glass.

"Yes, very well." she said with a couple of blinks, suddenly feeling his gaze on her and coming back to the present moment. "They're very nice. I like them both very much. " she said with a soft smile her hazel eyes finally meeting his deep green ones.

"That's good." he said leaning back in his chair and pulling at his tie to loosen it around his neck. "You and Joseph seem to be fond of each other." he remarked as he leaned to the side of the chair and propped a hand underneath his chin, the weight being supported by his elbow on the arm rest.

"Yes, I like him very much." she replied, feeling as if she had already said this.

"You seem to talk to him very easily and really enjoy his conversation." he stated a little more directly, watching her face for a response.

"Well.. he's one of the only people I have to talk to." her eyebrows slightly furrowed as she watched him back, beginning to realize where he was going with the conversation.

"You have me to talk to." his words coming out abruptly almost as soon as hers ended.

"Are... Are you jealous?" her thoughts articulating through her lips almost in disbelief, her face showing a bit of shock.

"No." he stated firmly, but his eyes shifted quickly away from her for the briefest second before returning his stare. "I am just noticing how comfortable with each other you both are, and I don't want to be concerned on whether or not that will impact your studies."

"You are jealous." she said back almost in wonder as she thought about what could have possibly provoked it.

He did not respond to her, but his eyes began hardening slightly as his index finger straightened against his jawline to further support his face, his other fingers curling at the base of it. He cleared his throat and stretched his legs out a bit underneath the desk. "I would appreciate it if you both kept your hands to yourself." he stated bluntly.

"I'm sorry. What?" confusion being clearly worn on her face as she watched him.

"I don't want him touching you, and I don't want you touching him." his tone very clear and deliberate.

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