Green With Envy

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"I'm so sorry. But it looks like we're only a few minutes late." Elizabeth entered the room, her gentle hazel eyes with worry filled in their depths. A stark disparity from what all the men had previously seen, it not going unnoticed that both Jason's and her hair was wet from recently bathing. 

A shower had been insisted upon by her, and Jason begrudgingly agreed. He would have preferred to walk in bathed in her feminine scent, but ended up caving to her intense demand that they didn't enter the room with her embarrassed and him beaming with a swelled chest. They made haste in their rapid clean up and arrived only four minutes past the start time, nothing anyone could truly complain about, but her feeling the need to apologize anyway.

"Not at all. You just recently made it out of recovery." Lucio said with a gentle nod, much appreciating her newly adopted demeanor.

"Yes, how are you feeling?" Rowan asked in lightly aired concern, also noticing her shift in demeanor and just as equally finding a fondness of it.

"Much better. I feel as if I'm much more like myself." She said with a soft smile and a nod as she took her seat to the side of the empty head of the table, knowing the head would be for Jason'a placement.

"You look stunning." Skylar said with a deep smile, his light green eyes honing sharply into her, as he adjusted his tie about his neck. Obviously, still finding an intense attraction to the female which did not go unnoticed by Jason's sharply formed gaze on him.

"Yes, like you've never seen a dark day." Terry said with a nod as he stroked his beard.

"Well, Jason and Alex have cared for me exceptionally well. The credit is all due to them." She said returning everyone's careful eyes, acknowledging all present before she laced her hands delicately in her lap. "That's why I'm hoping this meeting will go well and we can all move forward calmly from the mess we currently find ourselves in."

"Well, that seems to be all in the hands of Alpha Jason, wouldn't you agree Elizabeth?" Skylars eyes still intensely focused on hers, only giving a smirking side glance to the Alpha he was referring to before continuing his hard gaze.

"Is it, Alpha Skylar?" Jason questioned sharply, not appreciating the way the other Alpha seemed to be eye fucking  his mate.

"Actually." Elizabeth picked up on Jason's jealously quickly, and spoke before it could further intensify. "We have been discussing the unfortunate situation we all have found ourselves in.. and I think we found something that would be perfectly agreeable to all parties."

"And what is that?" Keith asked in interest, preferring for the feathers to be unruffled amongst all.

"As you all know by now, I had been forced into a situation that I struggled to control. Each and every one of you had showed such immense strength, pride and courage in defense of your honor to your own allies, which we cannot fail to recognize." Elizabeth showing in this moment her own strength and courage as she spoke to the room of powerful men, Jason not being fond of her lead in the moment, but not seeking to strip it away from her either as she held the control of all eyes present in her soft tone and voice. "And so.. we would like to move forward in peace. As you know, I will be stepping down from my unmerited title of Alpha."

"I highly disagree, that it is unmerited." Skylar said with a smirk, his frame leaning back lazily as his hips cocked in the same cocky pose Jason was fond of adopting. Finding this new version of Elizabeth entirely erotic.

"Skylar, let her speak." Terry said firmly, knowing that his open flirtation would not be tolerated much longer as Jason was sending a death glare with stiff shoulders.

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