Pay Attention To Me

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After he wrangled them home and made sure they ate and drank water, he had to deal with a handsy Elizabeth as they shared the bed in his room. Though he desperately wanted to give in to her advances and touches, he didn't want to do so with the current state of their relationship and she having been under the influence of alcohol. If they were at a better point and consistently happy with one another, he no doubt would have enjoyed her drunk affection.

However, on that night it wasn't appropriate and he didn't want to take part in something she could potentially regret. He ended up frustrated and jerking off in the shower long after she passed out, becoming further irritated at the fact that he hadn't needed to masturbate in over ten years. He had never been so sexually deprived, since his early onset of puberty he always had a string of women following him and being more than willing to help him in any way possible. This situation was proving to be an all time low for him.

Several days had passed, and they seemed to run the same. The only thing he was thankful for on that lonely handed night, was that it normalized his spending the night at his parents. There was no more side glances or snippy remarks from his mother, and his father did not press the issue of separate rooms. He brought extra clothes for himself to place in the closet so he would not have to leave earlier than necessary, and everyday he would be at the home by no later than 5:00pm.

Each day he asked if she was ready to come home and each day she would tell him not yet. The communication had improved between each other and they would text one another randomly throughout the day. Sometimes it was Elizabeth informing him his mother was taking her out and about around the territory, and other times it would be just to check in on each other days progress or share random thoughts. They continued to play scrabble with one another, and he continued to show no mercy, beating her every time.

Her second week of heat should have been within days, but he was beginning to worry about her hormones, as she was no longer showing any of the usual signs. Her appetite was normal, her demeanor was pleasant and his own mood seemed to be regulated with hers. Though he still wanted to be around her constantly and provide her protection, it was not the same drive he had experienced before. Her doctors appointment in the next couple of days would either confirm or deny his growing suspicion that her hormones stagnated and then declined, which would only be another blow to him if that was the case as he was eagerly looking forward to it.

Little did he know, Elizabeth too was eagerly waiting for the heat, however her reasons were far different. She wanted it to be over. With their relationship delving into peaceful territory, she had made the decision that she would return home with him, only after it had passed. She had relayed this to Catherine, who understood her reasoning even though she would have loved to have a grandchild on the way.

Catherine had explained to her what heat entailed, and how painful for the both of them it would be if they didn't mate during the weeks time, but had enlisted her own mate in confidence that they would help her get through its cycle. They would soothe her with ice baths and distract from her natural drive which would be set on seeking him out. The hardest part would be keeping Jason away during this time and for which they would need to enlist the help of the betas when that time came, as he would be even more difficult to quell. If the two managed to get within the same vicinity of one another, there would be no stopping the mating from taking place.

Catherine also explained to Elizabeth in caution, as she recognized the relationship was going into healthier territory, that she should use caution still once her heat was over until she was ready to conceive. It was still definitely possible to get pregnant outside of heat.

The first week of heat, seemed to prove the most protected against pregnancy, almost as if a she-wolfs body formed a natural birth control, but mating during the second week guaranteed that a child would be conceived.

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