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It's been a couple of days since everything happened and got everyone settled explaining what had happened. Many were shocked to know what happened but they passed through it after the twins calmed them down.

During everything Vanessa has avoided everyone just isolating herself in her room. The only ones that have spoken with her were Pain and Panic but even then it was barely any time as she had always sent them out to do whatever they wanted.

Vanessa had also to Carlos and Jay as she wanted to make sure they were good with each other as she hadn't told them how her and Mal were sisters. Luckily for her they did understand why she hasn't told them and they didn't hold it against either of the two but after that they haven't seen her in a while.

Everyone that has tried to speak with her but she wouldn't even acknowledge anyone Vanessa had been trying to ready herself for everything. She was sure of her decision to leave because she knew she had to help the people in the Isle, it wasn't even a thought in her mind.

Anger may have been in her after finding out what everyone did but most of all sadness filled her knowing the people she cares about were the ones that kept this big secret from her that would very much affect everyone.

The thing was that she knew she would miss everyone that was there in Auradon she couldn't deny that but their actions did hurt their bond and it wouldn't be easy to get over something that big.

Vanessa was in her room, as always, looking over to the Isle where Uma, Harry, Gil, and the girls were already at knowing what she would have to do once she goes back.

Looking over to her room she paced around until she noticed her coffee table where every picture she had of every one of them since she got back to Auradon was.

Looking through the pictures was hard since it was filled with joyful times.

It seemed those closest to you were the ones to hurt you the most.

Before she could get more into any emotional memories Vanessa heard a knock from the door.

With a sigh she set the photos down wiping away the tears she barely realized she had before going over to her door opening with a tired expression.

"Hello." Celina tried to smile as soon as the door opened which had been the closest thing she's had on seeing her daughter in days. "How may I help you?" Vanessa questioned Celina dismissing her greeting but she was too tired to even try and keep her away since this wasn't the first time Celina tried to speak to her.

"Can we talk?"

Celina asked with so much hope, hope that they could finally speak to each other because she couldn't bear the thought of losing her daughter once again and she knew if she lost her again this time it was all on her no one else was at fault but her. She was her mother and she should have done more.

It seemed as if the day was good to her since Vanessa said no words nothing at all but opened the door for Celina. She had nothing to say to her but Vanessa knew if she wouldn't let her in, Celina would try once again and she didn't know if she had it in her to continue the same routine once again.

Not wasting the opportunity to fix what was damaged Celina walked in Vanessa's room going over to her seating area while Vanessa stayed back at the door for a second before closing the door heading into her room.

Trying to get closer to Celina, Vanessa stayed by her bed leaning on the frame as Celina leaned on the couch after glancing at the photos that were on the coffee table.

The mother and daughter duo stood in silence there was nothing much to it. Vanessa was waiting for her to say something while Celina tried her best to find the right words to say.

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