♕𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐘𝐞𝐭♛

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"Is this how it feels to feel joy?" Uma questioned with a grin after they all agreed going with her plan while the boys went out to find Nick and Ben. "Don't push it." Mal grumbled on the other side of Vanessa. "Don't put me between you two in this situation." Vanessa sighed as they all went into Audrey's room which had the door wide open.

"Alright so how about you guys look around the campus and you three stay here in case she comes back." Vanessa turned to the girls seeing Audrey wasn't in her room. "What are you going to do?" Scarlett asked Vanessa wondering where she'd go.

"Way before I got to the Isle I remember Audrey used to brag about this place she liked you know before she was actually a kid so maybe she would be there." Vanessa explained thinking back to very old memories. "Wait doesn't this girl put a spell on everyone right now?" Uma turned to her cousin as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah but I have magic I should be good. And plus she already had a chance to put a spell on me but she didn't so I think I'm good." Vanessa nodded as she reminded them of what happened earlier. "You sure?" Mal asked her younger sister as she hoped nothing would happen.

"Trust me guys it's fine I'm not a little kid." Vanessa smiled over to the three before she teleported herself out. "Now where is it?" She asked herself as she walked around the secret garden park Audrey spoke about when they were really little.


"You guys find her?" Vanessa questioned Evie and Mal as she walked back into Audrey's room. "She's nowhere on campus." Evie shook her head with Mal nodding over to her causing Vanessa to sigh.

"Found her diary. And dang, did you ruin Audrey's life." Uma lifted up Audrey's diary as she was laying on the bed pointing over to Mal. "Okay. So did you find anything in there that we don't already know or. . ." Mal walked over to Uma as she crossed her arm while Vanessa walked around the room.

"She hangs out at Fairy Cottage. You know, where Flora, Fauna and Merryweather hid her mom from your mom." Uma sat up as she set the book down explaining. "Yes. The irony is not lost on me." Mal nodded seeing herself the irony in the situation at hand. "Please our whole lives are filled with irony." Vanessa scoffed as she walked over to the girls who agreed.

"How could anyone with this bed ever be unhappy?" Uma questioned as she laid back down onto the bed. "Keeping the perfect image twenty four seven and never letting the image fall gets tiring on your back I guess." Vanessa shrugged as she sat on the set in front of Audrey's bed.

"Okay. How do we look?" Scarlett asked the girls after her and Celia wore a lot of Audrey's jewelry. "Okay. The bling stays here." Evie smiled over to them as she placed her hands on her hips.

"But she's bad." Celia complained as she leaned on the chair not wanting to take off the jewelry with Scarlett pouting. "And we're not." Evie responded with a serious expression causing the two to huff as they took off the jewelry placing it back where they found it.


"I hope the boys find Nick and Ben soon." Vanessa sighed with her eyes closed, hoping nothing bad has happened with the two brothers. "Same." Mal agreed as she hoped that their friends would find them safe and soon.

"Nice digs." Uma complimented Evie at her castle having it been the first time she's seen something like this. "I got a really good deal." Evie smiled over to her castle happy she was available to get one as she always wished to have a castle of her own.

The girls walked over to the castle trying to find someone who wasn't under the spell and hoping that everyone that was in the castle before they left was well. Once they entered the castle it seemed as if their hopes were down the drain.

"She's having a nightmare." Scarlett commented to Celia as she noticed their best friend was moving around so much and had a troubling look. "It's okay." Celia patted Dizzy's head as Scarlett placed a blanket over Dizzy and the twins before the two shared a sad and terrified expression not knowing what would happen to them.

The older teenagers looked over to each other after seeing the looks on Celia and Scarlett's faces knowing this was even more urgent to fix.

"Don't worry, Dizzy. We can fix this." Celia spoke to Dizzy who was in the sleeping state. "And once we do they're gonna let all the kids come from the Isle. So, happy dreams." Scarlett continued on as she and Celia shared a smile hoping that their best friend will be awake to see everything happen.

"Does anyone hear that?" Vanessa questioned the girls as she heard a deep snore coming from one of the rooms causing them to go check it out leaving the two girls with Dizzy and the twins. "Uh, who's the dude?" Uma questioned seeing Doug sleeping on the floor in Evie's sewing room.

"Doug. Doug. Wake up. Wake up." Evie went over to her boyfriend trying to wake him up as she started to worry but the other three saw what happened. "He's spelled. Is she not a fast learner?" Uma pointed out before looking over to Vanessa and Mal.

"She's emotionally involved, okay?" Mal leaned on the wall looking over to Uma as Vanessa shook her head at the two. "Doug must have tried to get the kids into safety." Vanessa looked over to Evie seeing as Doug wasn't there when they left earlier.

"Well in that case she should be able to wake him up." Uma sighed as she turned over to Evie who looked over to her in confusion. "True love's kiss. Works every time." She explained further on with a smile reminding her about the events that happened not long ago.

"Well, we haven't used the "L" word yet." Evie nodded looking over to Uma and Mal as she looked back to the memories of her and Doug while Uma sighed, rolling her eyes. "It means much more after you say it to each other." Vanessa nodded looking over to her cousin as she placed her hand on Evie's shoulder while Mal agreed.

"Can we be alone?" Evie asked the girls who nodded at her before leaving the room knowing she needed it but as they walked out looking out the window Vanessa noticed her cottage, which was about a mile or two away from Evie's castle, looked a bit odd. "Guys I'll be back. I need to check on something." Vanessa glanced over to her sister and cousin before walking over to the back door but not without snapping.

"Why'd you do that?" Mal raised her eyebrows as her and Uma looked over to Vanessa in confusion. "Because you two are going to be back up singers right now." Vanesa pointed over to the room they just exited hearing Evie starting to sing before Vanessa walked out the castle going over to her cottage.


Published~ November 22, 2020

Published~ November 22, 2020

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