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フィラー: Filler

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フィラー: Filler

ツ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ

Fleur, Ivan, and Yukiko sat together during lunch on the lacrosse field, waiting for the rest of the gang to show up. Ivan was currently talking up a storm about a new show that came out on Netflix recently. 

"I'm so fucking invested in Simon and Daphne's relationship that if me and my future girlfriend," He paused looking over at Yukiko who had his undivided attention, "don't live up to them I haven't lived life."

"I love how passionate you are about this show, Ivan." Fleur chuckled at his lovesick friend. "I'll make sure to check it out later today."

"Simon sounds marvelous. I love a mysterious and stubborn man," Yukiko chuckled, day-dreaming of falling in love with a strong, mysterious, dark-haired, stubborn man. Then she looked down at the ring that Derek gave her. 

"Is that Scott coming this way with an angry look on his face?" Fleur asked as Scott marched up to the trio. 

"Uh, hey, Scott? You okay?" Yukiko asked him, getting up from her spot on the grass. 

"Have you seen Liam?" He questioned the group. Everyone shook their head, causing him to huff and be on his merry way. 

"That was a bit odd." Fleur hummed, going back to talking of the show Ivan was talking their ears off about. 

After School, Yukiko asked her parents if she was allowed to stay over at Fleur's since she was going away for the week and wanted to spend some time with her before she left. They obviously agreed because they actually liked Fleur. 

Fleur pushed open her door with her foot, throwing her bag to the side, and plopped down on her bed. Yukiko chuckled, setting down her bag next to Fleur's desk. 

"Do you want to watch that show Ivan was talking about?" 

Yukiko thought about it and the thought of Simon crossed her mind. She wanted to know why Ivan 'shipped' them so much and why he wants his future relationship to be exactly like theirs.

"I don't see why not." She shrugged. Fleur chuckled pulling up Netflix on her TV and moved over so Yukiko could lay down next to her. 

Halfway into the first episode, Fleur turned off the television and turned towards her best friend. 

"What?" Yukiko asked her, clueless about what was going on. 

"Do you like someone?" Fleur suddenly asked her. She was taken aback by this. She hasn't really thought about anyone since Isaac and even with him, it wasn't that serious. What brought up this thought within her friend? 

"I haven't thought of anyone like that since Isaac, so the answer to your question is, no." Fleur stared at her unconvinced. She has seen how Ivan looks at her and she was hoping that maybe Yukiko returned his feelings. Maybe she just doesn't know it yet. Yes, maybe that is it. 

"I don't entirely believe that, but I am going to drop the subject because I am fucking hungry and dinner is probably ready." Yukiko chuckled as Fleur rolled off her bed and made her way downstairs. 

After dinner, Yukiko and Fleur were on a facetime call with Ivan, who wasn't allowed to come over since it was only girls and his mother was worried. Midway into the conversation about Bridgerton, Fleur decided to meddle in her friends' love lives. 

"So, Ivan, a little birdy told me that you like someone," Fleur smirked as he started to blush. Yukiko giggled thinking he looked adorable.  Whoever he ends up with was so lucky.  

"You like someone?!" She exclaimed, shocked that he hasn't told either of his best friends. "Wow, Ivan. I am truly hurt that you haven't told us." 

"The conversation was never brought up," He chuckled nervously, making sure the two girls couldn't see him beet red. "Plus, I am 1,000% sure that my crush doesn't like me back." 

Yukiko frowned, not liking that her friend was thinking so negatively. Fleur looked over at Yukiko to see if there was any sign of liking Ivan back. She only found a frown upon her angelic features. 

"Don't be so negative, Ivan." Fleur rolled her eyes at his pessimist attitude. "You'll make Kiko pop a vein." 

"Yeah, there is someone for everyone and even if she doesn't like you back then it is her loss unless it's a guy, then it's his loss as well." 

"No, it isn't a guy." Ivan laughed, shaking his head. "It's just we are very close and she doesn't look at me the same way I look at her." 

Yukiko looked over at Fleur knowing very well that Ivan couldn't like her so Fleur was left to fill that spot. Could it be possible that Ivan likes Fleur? 

"Maybe she just doesn't know it yet," Yukiko shrugged. "Don't give up hope."

"Thanks, Yukiko."

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2021 is literally less than an hour away for me. I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the start of the year with caution. 2020 took away 2 very close people to me and I will not be celebrating with much excitement, but I hope you guys are okay. Thank you so much for reading. 

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