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월광 - Moonlight

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"I don't care." Yukiko rolled her eyes. "He's a bitch."

Her mother gasped and her father shook his head.

"What have you been teaching her, Kira?" Her mother questioned her.

"Mom, you let me curse. Why not her?" Kira pointed to her new sister.

"She's different." Her father tells her. "Didn't you say that she has the mentality of-"

"Actually, my maturity as enhanced quite a bit." Yukiko corrected her father. "Deaton took a psychology test on me and my results were off the charts."

"Really?" Both her parents were shocked, including her sister.

"Why haven't you told us, Yukiko?" Her father asked her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I still don't understand what that means." She shrugged.

"Well, I hope you girls enjoy your  weekend." Their mother smiled at them.

"And just because we are gone doesn't give you two the liberty of throwing a party!" Mr. Yukimura stared at them with semi-suspicious eyes.

"We aren't going to throw a party, dad!" Yukiko rolled her eyes. "If anything, we're going to the club to party."

"I hope not, sweetheart. Stay safe, girls."

The two Yukimura girls watch as their parents start up their car and drive off to the airport. Once they were out of sight, the girls look towards each other and ran back inside. 

"Freedom!" Kira shouted, jumping up and down on the couch. 

"It's been forever since they left us alone." Yukiko laughed when her sister landed on the floor. "You need to be careful. We can't have mom and dad asking where you're getting all these bruises. Scott wouldn't be safe."

Kira gasped, throwing a couch pillow at her sister. It was the first time Yukiko said anything inappropriate. "Geez, aren't you maturing?" 

Yukiko shrugged and made her way to her shared room with her sister trailing behind her. Today, Greenberg was having a party and usually, no one ever goes to his parties, but he invited Yukiko and said to invite anyone she wanted. Therefore, the whole school was getting ready to head to a Greenberg party. 

"You know, Isaac isn't coming." Yukiko heard Kira say from the closet. She fixed her blue long sleeve, pretending to not be affected by the absence of her crush. 

"He isn't?" She asked, touching up her red lipstick. Her heart was pumping against her chest. She couldn't think of a reason as to why he was missing such a big party. Maybe he just didn't want to see her. She was overthinking. 

"He said his father was back in town," Kira told her. Yukiko nodded with a slight pout to her lips. Then she remembered, his father was dead. Something was up.

"Okay." She shrugged. Yukiko didn't want her sister to know that she was suspicious. Why she was lying for him, she had no idea. 

Soon the two girls were ready for the party. When they showed up, the house was already packed. Lydia and Malia were in the kitchen, while Scott and Stiles were dancing weirdly. 

"Hey, you guys made it!" Lydia yelled over the music. "Have you guys seen Allison?" 

Kira shook her head nervously. "I think she said she had some business with her dad." 

"I'm going to find Greenberg," Yukiko informed her sister, then pushed her way through the crowd. The house was pretty packed and had teenagers from wall to wall. She wasn't used to the huge crowds, but she wasn't taken aback. According to her sister, Yukiko was very well-liked. She had as much influence as Lydia, and that's saying a lot. 

"Yuki!" She heard shouting from across the yard. Yukiko looked around and spotted Greenberg talking to Ivan and Fleur. She waved at them and met then next to the grill where they were standing. 

"Hi, guys!" She smiled at them. "How's the punch?" Yukiko pointed to the red cup in Ivan's hand. 

"It's good. Emerson Michaels put some vodka in it." Ivan pushed the cup towards her. "Try it, Yu! I feel so good!" 

Yukiko didn't know how to feel about drinking for the first time. What if she got drunk and ran off somewhere without her sister's knowledge and something happens to her. How will her parents react when they found out? Will they find out?

"Okay," Yukiko says sheepishly. She takes the red solo cup and takes a sip. The fruit punch overwhelmed the vodka but you can still taste the bitter taste of the alcohol.  This is good! It barely has an alcohol, right? So, it wouldn't hurt if she had another, or 3, or 20! 

Yukiko couldn't pin the moment the room started spinning. Her eyelids were heavy and her body was starting to sway. Everyone looked blurry. She looked down at her red solo cup and noticed her sister coming towards her. She was only 5 feet away from her. Yukiko quickly turned around, running away from her sister. She raised her cup to her lips and finished the last of the contaminated punch. 

"Yukiko, get back here!" She heard her sister yell from somewhere behind her. 

Yukiko made her way out the crowd and somehow ended up outside of Greenberg's house. Deep breathes escaped her mouth, her chest rising up and down. A long sigh came out of her before she patted her thighs and turned to the street. She needed to get home before she got into any more trouble.

The walked to her house was complicated. It seems like the streets were becoming longer and the stars were brighter. She didn't know where she was. It seemed like Greenbergs house was so far. Way too far to go back. Her house has to be somewhere near. Wait, is that?


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