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Tw: mention of rape

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Tw: mention of rape

友人 - Friend

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Time has passed and Yukiko was well adjusted to her new environment. She has made plenty of friends and not just her sister's friends. She was friends with Ivan and Fleur. She would roam the hallways when she had a free period and practice the languages her friends were teaching her.

"Como estas? Bien, y tu?" She whispered, trying not to disturb the classes still in session. "Comment vous appelez-vous? Je m'appelle Yukiko."

"That sounds great."

Yukiko jumped in fright. She turned around, looking away from her worksheet and found a student a year older than her. He was tall, pale, green eyes, and you can practically see the dark aura around him.

"How many do you know?" He asked her. His voice, dark and deep with a hint of sinister tangled in his words.

"Who are you?" She asked him, taking a few steps back. It didn't go unnoticed.

"I'm Zagan and I think we are going to be great friends." He chuckled as he took another step towards her.

"I don't think I wanna be your friend." She pouted, suddenly her back hit the lockers.

Zagan looked into her wet eyes and smiled. He was going to have fun with this one. She looked innocent and cute. Her hair, black and long, her skin, pale, eyes, the color of dark chocolate. She was exquisite. Just his taste.

"Don't be like that." He grinned. "What's your name?"

"Leave her alone." She hears someone shout from the end of the hallway. Both heads turn towards the mysterious voice. Yukiko breaks out into a smile then pushes away the predator while he is distracted.

"Derek!" She shouted in glee as she escaped her tormentor and ran into his arms. "I am so happy to see you," She muttered into his chest. Derek never looked away from Zagan when he wrapped his arms around the younger girl.

"I would advise you that leaving her alone would be the best option," Derek tells him in a soft, but threatening voice.

Zagan roles his eyes and brushes Derek off. Yukiko looks over to make eye contact with him and frowns. Who knows what could have happened if Derek hadn't shown up. He shook his head and walked away.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked her once Zagan was out of sight.

She nodded.

"Thank you, Derek," Yukiko cried. She was so scared of the big evil man that she saw the lights in heaven when Derek showed it. These were tears of both fear and happiness. She didn't know what Zagan would have done, but she was happy that it didn't happen. Kira always told her to be careful with guys like Zagan. They were nothing but trouble with pain to follow them. Scott warned me to never be in contact with a man. Men are dangerous, according to Scott.

"You're welcome," He hugs me tighter. "Now, let's get you home?"

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The next day at school, Derek had asked Yukiko to always have someone with her. He was bewildered when he found out she was roaming the halls by herself. He wanted her to stay safe.


He had never been so scared in his life like he was yesterday. He grew to care for the youngling. It would completely break him to find her dead or in a situation, she couldn't get herself out of. She was a young naïve girl who turned into a human with the mentality of a 7-year-old. He was terrified for her.

"Kiko, Derek told me to remind you to go to Coach Flintlock's class when you are in your free period. We don't want yesterday to occur again." Allison told the petite girl. She just nodded. She hasn't said much since she arrived home yesterday. She was empty. She kept repeating a scene that was plausible in those few moments that he had her trapped. Derek called it rape. When Yukiko was curious about the word after she heard Derek, Scott, and Kira mention the word, she searched it up. She was scared and traumatized. That could have happened to her and she didn't want anything close to that to happen to her. Or anyone for that matter.

Yukiko walked towards her next class, Isaac accompanying her, just in case. He looked over her sunken figure. It was like the light has been drained out of her and he hated seeing her like this. He was going to make it his mission to make her smile again. 

"I'll see you right after class, okay?" He tells her. She nods and walks into class without a proper goodbye. 

Soon after class, Yukiko found Isaac right outside her classroom door, right where he said he was going to be. She quickly waved at him and followed him outside. Once they arrived outside they made their way to a local sandwich shop. 

"Which type do you want?" He asked as we waited in line. "There's tuna, ham and cheese, BLT?"

"Tuna, please," She muttered, looking around the place for a table. She finally found one in the very back. It was secluded and cozy. It was perfect. The whole place smelled like freshly cut vegetables and meat. It was delicious.

After receiving their food, Isaac kindly brought it to the table Yukiko was sat at. She smiled up at him as a thanks and started eating her tasteful tuna sandwich.

"How is your English class going?" He asked her. He had heard so much from Scott and Derek that she was doing great. It sort of left him jealous whenever they would talk about her. He wanted to get to know her better. He has known her for 3 months and he still didn't know what she like. He wanted to know her favorite movie, or artist. He was determined to be her best friend.

"It has been going great," She tells him, a piece of tuna falling off of the corner of her mouth and onto her plate. "Oh, sorry."

"I heard that you're the top of the class," Isaac grins, causing her to blush.

She was the top of her class and her parents are extremely proud of her. Kira had been helping her immensely. Yukiko was so glad she had someone that would help her out with her assignment and actually explain it until she understood everything. Kira was the best big sister.

"Yeah, Kira has been helping me a lot," She answers him.  She finishes her sandwich and folds her arms across her chest. "Everything is so much easier when she explains it. She has so much patience and enthusiasm. When I understand something the biggest smile appears on her face. I think she'll be a great teacher.

When Isaac walked Yukiko to her house he made sure that he could make her laugh whenever he had the chance. He loved to make her laugh. She would giggle instead of bursting out loud, but with Isaac she has been crying because of how much she has been bursting out. People as they passed the two friends would look at them like they were freaks from the circus.

"I can't believe Stiles was bald!" Yukiko laughed. "He looks so dorky." She says, taking another look at Isaac's phone with a picture of Stiles that Isaac took from afar in sophomore year.

"Thank god, he grew out his hair. I would have ripped out my eyes if I had to see that everyday."

She agreed. Yukiko believes that Stiles looks better with his grown out hair, but he still looked just as dorky as he did a couple of years ago.

They both quieted down as they arrived at the Yukimura residence. Isaac looked down at Yukiko just as she turned to look up at him.

"Thanks for making today special, Isaac." She smiled then pulled him unto a hug. "Love you," She muttered into his chest, a warm smile lingering on her lips.

"I love you, too, Kiko." He hugged her back.

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