~Bakugou? Why Are You Here?~

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Ok so I wrote like 1/3 of this chapter the same day I finished the last chapter- Also the next chapter has a little surprise again (to make up for how late this chapter is)! Alsooo I might do a part three of it since you guys liked the first one so much!


No One's POV:

Uraraka stepped up to the desk and she squealed, "I love you guys so much!" Izuku just giggled and handed her a poster with all of their signatures on it. Uraraka blushed, took the poster and then she walked over to an open area off to the side and just sat down on the ground waiting for the rest of her classmates.

Mina walked up to the desk and clapped her hands, "All right lets get this party on the road!" She then proceeded to rant about how she loves their music,, eventually she was cut off by Camie since they needed to continue the line. Camie handed her a poster before she walked away.

Mic stepped up to the desk, dragging Aizawa with him. He was so excited that he could barely speak (surprising right). Aizawa stood behind him with his arms crossed, "Nice show." He told the band before dragging his husband over to where Mina and Uraraka were sitting. Mic was making heart signs at them to make up for the loss of his speech, and to show his love for their show. 

Kirishima hopped over to the desk and then proceeded to comment on the show, "Yo dude your guys were so manly!" He exclaimed, Inasa smiled at him and held out his fist which Kirishima gladly bumped with his own, then he grabbed his poster.

Kaminari stepped up to the desk and immediately short circuited (😥), so Kirishima and Mina had to run up and drag him over to the group. Uraraka followed with his poster in her hands.  

Tsuyu stepped up to the desk and just thanked the group for their show. She proceeded to grab her poster and hop away.

Iida stepped up to the desk and complemented them on their show. While grabbing his poster he accidently chopped it in half so he was given a new one.

Jirou stepped up to the desk and ranted about their music being amazing and that she had been listening to them since they began their career. "It's nice to meet you and we are glad that you love our music!" Shinso replied, secretly loving that she was one of his kind.

Aoyama stepped up to the desk and just asked, "Would any of you like to be sprinkled in glitter?" To which Camie nodded and then got sprinkled in silver glitter.

Mineta stepped up to the desk and said something inappropriate about Camie, so Sero tapped his mouth shut and grabbed their posters before escorting Mineta to the group sitting down. He had to side step Aoyama, who was now trying to convince Aizawa to let him sprinkle glitter on him (it was not working at all).

~time skip~

And finally the last person of the class, Todoroki walked up to the desk and was about to grab his poster when Bakugou randomly popped his head out of the door and asked Shinso a question.

"Hey Bakubro why are you here?" Kirishima asked, "I thought you were with your parents?"

"Well I don't know maybe my parents took me here dumbass?!? Why don't you use your brain for once! Oh wait! All you have is hair!" He yelled.

"Kacchan please just shut up and be nice to your classmates." Midoriya said. 

Everyone just looked at each other surprised.

"Wait, did you just call Bakugou Kacchan?" Mina asked.


Thank you so much for reading my story! Also sorry for not posting for a while I had a lot of things going on this week and last week. Let me know if I should add anything to this chapter since it seemed a little bare to me.

Anddd let me know if you guys want any side ships :)

(I was thinking maybe Shinkami? Inatodo? Or maybe platonic Mina and Camie? What do you guys think: Yes, no or change/add a ship)

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