~Zero Effect is Coming to Town~

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Katsuki POV:

I was playing video games with Shitty Hair when all the sudden, "OH MY GOD!!! GUYS ZERO EFFECT IS COMING TO TOWN!!!" Mina screeched.

I recognized that band, of course because my boyfriend is in it, but it also happens to be the third top band in the world. All of the girls (and some of the boys) just started going crazy, they must be obsessed with them or something like that. I mean all they were talking about was how hot the band members were especially my boyfriend. I didn't like it.

"Will you guys just shut the fuck up and stop talking about Deku!?!" I shouted at them annoyed at their constant chatter, even though I had tuned out what they were saying. They all looked at me and started bombarding me with questions.

"Do you mean Midoriya?" "The lead singer?" "The one who goes by Deku sometimes?" "Do you like the band?" "Are you going to their concert?"

"Oh shut the fuck up." I muttered to myself before walking to the elevator to get away from these extras.

Once I got to my room my phone started buzzing. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

(Italics = Izuku, regular = Katsuki)

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Nothing much just checking in."

"So when were you going to tell me you were coming to town huh?"

"Oh! It must have slipped my mind sorry! I've just been very busy!"

"I wanna know if I got an all access pass to this concert hmm?"

"Of course silly! You always do even when we know you won't be at the show!"

"So can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"Can you give my class Suite tickets? I want them to not have to waste their money on tickets when I have a pretty good source. Considering the vast majority of them are obsessed with you guys."

"Ok fine. But it's just because you asked. I know you probably don't want them to know that you were the one that set this up. So I'll just send it anonymously to UA."

"Thanks Izu!"

"You just don't want them to see your soft side huh?"

"Shut up!!!"

"Well anyways I got to go Suki! I love you!"

"Love you too!"

After I got off the phone I smiled to myself, excited that I get to see my Fiancé soon. Then I decided that I was just going to take a shower (there are bathrooms connected to each dorm).


Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for such a short chapter! I promise there will be more next chapter!

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