Part 13

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Piers PoV 

 when Laura dead Keith was really confirmed, it was like an empty box, it was impossible to talk to it, they arranged for Laura to have a ritual like Keidryans have, I left Keith alone and went to sit alone on an empty pier, it was evening, I finally had the opportunity to drink from my placards, I heard the bell, and then I noticed Keith sitting next to me 

Piers: how do you feel? Keith: Bad Piers: I'm sorry about what happened Keith: You couldn't blame you for what happened for a moment Madelyn came to us, carrying an urn and Laura's locket 

 Madelyn: Um ... General 

Keizer ... sir?

Madelyn: We ... we're done. The ship is replenished and ... everything else was done according to your requirements. 

 Madelyn: The men tried their best to follow the Keidran ritual. 

 Madelyn: I ... I'm sorry for your loss. 

 Madelyn: I know it's a difficult time, but we are your people. I ... can help you with that. Do you really want to leave so soon? 

 Keith: Yes, I'm sure. I have to bring Laura back ... 

 Keith: I owe her ...

Madelyn:... I understand, sir. 

 I helped Keith get up and we went back to the Ship

when we got on the boat Keith went to my cabin, I went to put my things in my cabin, the ship set off right away and we finally left the island, I can say that I'm glad there was honestly not expected of anything good on that island since at the beginning, after about an hour I left my cabin and went to the upper deck, I wondered where I was going now, my only goal was to escort Trace and Keith to the island, I stayed in the fresh air for a while until I was cold and had to return downstairs, I walked down the hall until Flora yelled at me through the open door

 Flora: I'm pregnant 

 Flora: And you're the only one who could be a father! 

 Piers: What? M-me? 

 Flora: Erk ...! not you! 

 Flora: Oh ...! You shouldn't have heard that! Please don't tell anyone! 

 Piers: Oh, heh ... don't worry about it, Flora. It is already forgotten. 

 Flora: Thank you! 

 Flora: Actually, it's a bit of a relief to drop it. You know, I don't even know if I'm really pregnant or not. I was just with Trace! And ... Keidran can't have kids with people, can he? 

 Piers: I honestly don't know, I'm not the right human person to ask 

 Flora: People and Keidran have lived together for hundreds of years! If it could happen, it would be at some point, right? 

 Piers: I'd better go 

 Flora: But I've had all these symptoms lately! Get sick, eat more... 

 Flora: And look! Does she seem pregnant to me? 

 Flora didn't listen to me at all, she kept yelling at me that it wasn't possible, but I really didn't know

Piers: Flora I really don't know, I should go 

 Flora: At first I thought I was just gaining weight. But then I felt something ... Maybe it was my imagination. Hard to say. What if you feel it and - 

 Flora started taking off her pajamas to show me her belly 

 Piers: I'm sorry Flora, but we really have to go now 

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