Sam Golbach | The Price of Adventure

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Summary: Y/n goes exploring with SAM, Kian, Colby, and JC. But it goes wrong and someone gets hurt.

Warnings: Injuries, hospitals

Word Count: 687

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"Whats up, guys? Its Sam and Colby back with another exploring video!" Colby yells into the camera.

"Today, we are here with three special guests! First we have, Kian and Jc!" Kian and Jc pop into the camera as you wait for your turn to be introduced

"And we have my lovely girlfriend, y/n!" Then it was your turn and you came into view and hopped on Sam's back.

"Whoa! I guess we're doing piggy back rides now," he laughs as he holds you tightly.

"What you see behind us is an abandoned hospital. Supposedly haunted too," Colby points out.

"Fuck, man. I hate haunted stuff, you know this," Jc comments making us all laugh.

"Too bad! Alright, so there's a ton of security camera surrounding the building but we found a window to jump through to get in. Uh, babe. I'm gonna have to let you down now."

You groan and hop off his back, "Fine."

"We officially made it inside the building. Now time for some funnnn."

"How is this shit fun for ya'll? I'm about to piss myself," Kian says crossing his legs. Nervous sweat made his shirt cling uncomfortably to his back.

"Well we've done it for awhile now, so it's nothing new to us."

"I feel bad that y/n has to deal with your haunted ass," Jc chuckles.

"Fuck off, Jc," you laugh as well, the laughter suddenly dies out, and the group freezes, their eyes darting to the source of the crack. There's a tense silence, like the air itself is holding its breath. The musty smell of the old building, mixed with the stale air, lingered in the air.

"Uh, did any of you feel or hear that?" You ask. The silence is deafening, the shuffling growing louder and more urgent. The group huddles together, their breath shallow and quick. As they move further into the building, the shadows seem to shift and dance in the flickering light.



You feel the ground shake. 'We have way too many people on this floor right now. We're too close to each other, the floor is going to break through.' you thought to yourself.

In a split second, you feel the ground give way beneath you, and you're falling, stomach-lurching, through a cloud of debris. Dust fills your lungs, and you catch a glimpse of the crumbling walls around you as you plummet. You hit the ground with a jarring thud, and the pain is immediate and intense. You lie there, disoriented, your heart racing, your mind frantically searching for any signs of the others.

"FUCK!" You yelped in pain.

"Y/n? Oh my god. We're coming, just hang tight, baby," Sam said as they all came running to your rescue.

"Shh, it's okay. You're okay. Can you stand?"

You try, but fail miserably. You just groan in response

"Okay, uh. I can give you a piggy back ride. But we have to be careful."

Sam lifts you up and the five of you run out the building and to Colby's car.

"I'm probably going to have to go to the hospital," You state.

"I know, and it's okay. We'll just tell them about our YouTube channel and what we do."

"Okay, and i'm sorry I ruined your video."

"Y/n. You didn't ruin our video. I promise you," Colby tells you.

"Okay. Okay. Thanks guys. And I'm sorry Kian and Jc, I know you guys came here for this trip."

"Seriously, stop apologizing. You got hurt really badly. It's okay," Jc replies.

"Okay, we're here."


You lie in the hospital bed, your body stiff and uncomfortable in the back brace. The doctors tell you that you were lucky to avoid surgery, but the recovery will be long and grueling. As you look around the sterile room, you feel a sense of dread at the thought of being confined to a bed for months on end. But then you see Sam enter, his face creased with worry. He takes your hand and says, "I'm not going anywhere."

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now